Stitches. pt 2

773 33 39

Trigger Warning: Self degrading thoughts, thoughts of death and self harm

Technoblade's POV:

I could feel myself coming to. There was stabbing pain all over my body.

"I'm dead... right?"

I tried to sit up but the pain I felt all over multiplied by 100.

"Fuck..." I whispered to myself.

I opened my eyes to find I wasn't where I had fallen asleep. I was on the ground in some stranger's house.

"Fuck me, I gotta get out of here..." I whispered, my eyes trying to adjust to the light.
"That's a no can do mate."

I went rigid. Who is that? I don't recognise their voice. What if they send me back, I can't go back to that place. I can't! I got so far!

I heard a lady's voice "We need to know what happened, where do you live?"

"If I don't tell them anything, they won't know and I can't be sent back!"

"We'll have to call authorities if you don't say anything." Said the man's voice.
"You can't send me back." I whimpered. I couldn't stop myself from speaking.

"It's just best I comply, otherwise I'll be sent back home."

"Where can't we send you?"
I considered before speaking again "...home."

There were some inaudible whispers from the two people. I was on the floor, it was cold. I longed to feel warm.

"Do you mind if we ask another question?"

I could just make him out. The man had blonde hair and greyish blue eyes. I nodded my head.

"We fixed your leg, we just need to know how it happened." The woman asked gently.

She had dark hair and dark eyes with a round face. I shuddered at the awful memory of-  what was it, last night? How long was I out for?

"Take your time buddy."
"It... uhh-" Why do I trust them?  "It happened at home."
"Alright, can you remember how it happened."
"I... m- my dad was... angry.. an- and-"
"Ok, you don't have to say anything else about that."
"What's your name?"

Something caught my eye. I could just about see two figures stood a the top of the stairs. They both were slouched round the corner, trying to keep out of sight.

"Oh, it's a family. They seem nice, nicer than mine at least."
"My name is Phil and this is my wife Kristen. It's probably uncomfortable on the floor, so we can get you upstairs into a warm bed. How does that sound Dave?"

I nodded my had, sitting up slower than before. My head was throbbing painfully. The couple helped me up and we slowly made it up the stairs.

The two people at the top of the stairs were supposedly gone and before I knew it, I was in bed. My tired state quickly overpowered me and I could feel myself drifting away.

"I'll worry about this when I wake up..."

Phil's POV:

I sat outside Dave's door, making sure he was definitely asleep before going back down stairs. I don't know why I thought Wil and Tommy would just go to bed. As I was going down the stairs, I could hear them getting out of bed.

I sat down in the living room and heard soft footsteps padding down the stairs.

"Hey boys." I smiled.
"What did he say?" Wilbur asked.

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