Lost without you. pt 3

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Eret's POV:

It's been three years since Tommy died. Its been 2 years since Dream was locked away in that prison. And a few months since Dream was executed of all his cannon lives. And no one has yet moved on about Tommy.

Yes we all get on with our life, but it's not the same. It'll never be the same. I was worried people would just forget about it and go on but its nothing like that. We've all come closer together, trying desperately to help one and another.

Tubbo disbanded the government to many's surprise. But I understood how he was feeling, the stress must've been too much. L'Manburg is simply a town ran by the people who live there. And by that, I mean everyone. People come and go between the Dream SMP and L'Manburg.

Because of this, Technoblade has no reason to be against us. He visits us every once in a while with Phil and he stays for a few days. he has let go of his violent ways and lives among us in peace. I don't think he likes me too much, seeing as I was a higher authority.

We needed someone to run the Dream SMP. It's too big to be ran like L'Manburg, so I took the title of the official king. But no one considers it like that. I'm no different to the rest of them and I deserve no special treatment for a title. I prefer Eret to any fancy title any way.

I never have to sort out anything important anyway, I'm kinda just an event planner. All the conflict disappeared with Dream.

I had invited a few people to visit my castle for lunch today and rushed around dusting and cleaning the Pride Palace. Tubbo, Fundy, Quackity and Niki had promised to come, along with Phil and Techno to my surprise. Oh yeah, and Ranboo!

He has his main home outside the Dream SMP and tends to leave for weeks sometimes. He did it more frequently in the first few months. I guessed he needed to clear his head after the Tommy incident.

-time skip-

Ding dong.

The sound of my doorbell rang through the castle and I ran to the gates.

"You guys came." I clapped my hands together. "Come inside.
"Of course we did!" Tubbo skipped forward, Fundy and Quackity trying to keep up.

I walked them through the castle.

"I love your dress Niki."
"Thank you, I love yours!"
I twirled round, "I'm going to guess, you planned matching outfits." Fundy laughed.
"Whaaaat, I don't know what would make you think that."

We both wore a knee length dress that faded from pink to purple to blue; our pride flag. I heard the familiar doorbell go off.

"Carry on walking and go out the back doors, it's only 'bout a minutes walk away. Pour yourself a drink, I should be a moment."

I turned back to meet up with our familiar enderman friend, he was stood scribbling down something in his memory book.

"Hallo Ranboo! It's been a while old friend."
"Hey Eret, it has hasn't it."
"Come on, the rest are just out the back."

We speed-walked through the castle and I lead Ranboo out double doors to a beautiful garden. There were oak trees planted near the back with a hammock hanging between. It there was field of flowers with a red and white checked Picnic blanket. There were plates of sandwiches and treats. The people sat on the blanket sipping drinks.

"Ranboo!" Tubbo waved.
"Hey Tubbo."
"Ranboo, we haven't seen you in forever. Where you been?" Quackity asked.
"Has it really been that long? Wow, it felt like I was here just a few days ago." He dodged the question.

I noticed Techno mumbling something to Phil and he nodded his head. I sat myself down on the blanket beside Phil and pat the space beside me.

We ate food and caught up with one another. Ranboo jot down something every now and then. Techno hadn't spoken a word the entire time and I was worried. Phil noticed me glancing at him.

He whispered. "He's nervous to be here, thought it was gonna be more formal."

I nodded. "So Techno, we haven't spoken much. How've you been?"
He hesitated before answering "Fine I guess." He shrugged.
"That's great, glad you've been doing well. How about you Ranboo?"

He looked away from Tubbo and at me.

"I've been doing well, finished expanding my house."
"Speaking of your house-" Fundy put down his plate of food. "We've never seen your place."
"Yeah maybe we could meet up there next time!" Phil  suggested.
"I'd be for that." Techno nodded.
Ranboo stuttered "W-ait a mo-oment..."
"Yeah that could be coo-"
"Let him speak~" I hummed over Tubbo.

Ranboo gulped.

"Well, it's really  far away, and its easier to do it in L'Manburg."
"Oh ok, well if you don't want to, it's fine. We could go to my café next time."

"He's hiding something."

-about an hour later-

"This was great Eret, thank you for having me over." Ranboo nodded.

Ranboo was one of the last people leaving. The only other people still here were; Phil and Technoblade.

"This is just as much your home as mine, visit any time. I enjoy the company."

He walked away and I sat and continued talking to Phil. Techno cut Phil off out of no where.

"That's Ranboo's memory book." He pointed to the small pocket book laying in the bed of flowers.
"He needs that...I've gotta get it back to him."

I scuttled up and picked it up. There was a little buckle on it to keep it closed. I put it on and ran back into the Pride Palace.

I reached the gates and Ranboo was just leaving.


he turned around surprised and confused.

"Ranboo,  you dropped this." I handed him his memory book, and his expression darkened.
"Did you read this..."
"No?" But it seemed he couldn't hear me.
He started speaking out loud, as if no one could hear him. "No, he knows. He knows! Eret knows about him and he'll tell everyone and- and..."

I grabbed his shoulders and shook him slightly. "Breathe Ranboo." He took a few deep breaths and appeared to have calmed down. "Ranboo, who is 'him'?"

He looked simply horrified.

"No one." He squeaked. "I-I h... have to go, now. Bye!"

He wiggled out my grasp and took to running away, but I chose not to follow him despite my worries.

I turned back round to see Phil and Techno, the older panting out of breath and the younger shaking with obvious fear.

"I swear, I didn't-"
"Yeah, we know. He's hiding something."
"We can't force anything out of him, just let him know he come to us for help."

"I don't have a good feeling about this..."

 This next chapter is a huge trigger warning and super long.

Dream SMP Oneshots - mostly Sleepybois angstWhere stories live. Discover now