His nightmares

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Trigger warning: Mention of past abuse

Also I stan Karlnapity

Quackity's POV:

I woke up in a cold sweat. My back stiffened and I sat up, breathing heavily. I hunched over, hugging myself, remembering the nightmare. I let out a sob, muffling it in the blanket.

I heard my stomach growl. I leant over Karl and grabbed my phone off the bedside table. It was two in the morning. Carefully, I got out of bed, as to not wake up my two lovers. It was difficult, seeing as I was sandwiched between them, but I managed.

I switched on my phone light and tiptoed out the bedroom and to the kitchen. I turned on the kitchen light and squinted my eyes, as they adjusted.

I walked over to the fridge and grabbed a bowl of leftover pasta, from dinner a few hours ago. I heated it in the microwave and poured myself a glass of water.

"For fuck sake..." I clutched my head.

I had a splitting headache, so I took a large chug of water. There was a quiet ding, signalling that the food was finished.

There was a voice. A voice that made my blood run cold.

"Well go get my food you rat!" The voice snarled.

I knew it was nothing more than a memory, but I obeyed. I grabbed the bowl out of the microwave, not caring that it burnt my hand. I set the bowl down at the table and grabbed a spoon out of the cutlery draw.

It felt like I was in the moment. I sat at the table and stared at the food.

"No! He's not here." I shook my head aggressively.

I inspected my hand. It had gone red and numb to touch. I picked the spoon up and began to eat my food. I found myself unable to finish my food so I left it there. I was shaking from the nerves. I took the glass off the side and drank the rest of it.

"Useless piece of shit, this is crap. Where's the beer." I heard his voice there again.

I pointed to the fridge. I saw his figure stumble to the fridge, his arm swinging as he tried to hit me. I ducked and cowered in the corner.

I heard a smash of glass and shrieked, squeezing my eyes closed.

"Quackity!" I heard a gasp. "Karl, I found him!"

I recognised the voice of Sapnap, one of my fiancés, yet I refused to open my eyes. I felt myself being pulled into someone's arms and cuddled into the warmth.

"What happened?" I heard a softer voice speak to me.

I felt fingers running through my hair and I hesitantly opened my eyes.  Sapnap and Karl were both sat on the floor with me. I was sat in Sapnap's lap and Karl was stroking his fingers through my hair.

"Are you ok?"

I shook my head.

"Do you want to talk about it."

I nodded.

I was lifted up by Sapnap and he carried me back to our bedroom. He gently set me down and they both laid down besides me.

I was comfortable in the silence, with only the sound of breathing but I knew neither of  them were gonna ask, or push me to talk about it. And as much as I liked the sound of that, I knew I couldn't keep these night terrors to myself anymore.

"I had a nightmare..."
"Oh it's ok." Karl cooed, pulling me closer to him.
"Well it was more like a memory."
I saw Sapnap shift closer "What memory was it?"

I hesitated. Should I really tell them? I was really regretting even saying anything. I took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry Quac-"
"Schlatt? Why would you have a dream about him?" Karl questioned.

The way Sapnap was looking at me, I could tell he knew. He understood what had happened.

"I'm so sorry..."

Sapnap hugged me tighter and I lay my head on his chest. Karl seemed to realise shortly after, most likely from the look Sapnap gave him.

"He's gone." He tried comforting. "You have nothing to be scared of anymore."

I nodded and buried myself further in Sapnap's shirt. Karl lay down beside us and cuddled in. I shut my eyes, taking in the feeling of being safe.

Sorry it's short and rushed, I had my laptop taken away for god knows why (my mum always finds a reason). Hope you guys are all doing well. Drink some water, luv y'all <33

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