Strangers. pt 1

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A/N: I have been obsessed with Business Bay and SMP Earth for the past few days so I am writing about them. Sorry if I get anything wrong, please correct me if I do. Oh and pretend they never met before lol.

Trigger warning: (tommy's exile), depression, implied abuse, implied suicide

Tommy's POV:

I lay in my bed.

This is pretty much what my days consist of. Giving all my things up to Dream, and sleeping in all day. I used to be pretty optimistic about all of this, but now I've really just given up.

I could hear the portal, it got louder, meaning someone was coming. I whimpered and curled up, knowing it was Dream to break me more.

"Please leave me alone..." I breathed, barely making sound.
"Hello? Is anyone here?" I jumped at the noise. "...Logsteadshire, cool name."

There was an unfamiliar voice coming  from outside my tent.

"It's been weeks Bitzel-" There was another. "There isn't any civilisation round here, we have to keep traveling North."
"I'm sure there is Luke!" There was a third. "You saw the Nether. People live around here somewhere."
"And look at this campsite, someone lives here." The first voice, a man supposedly called Bitzel spoke.
"What if this place is abandoned?"
"Stop being so negative Luke."

I wanted to let them leave, to be left alone with my own horrid thoughts but there was something in my gut that forced me up.

I crept out the tent and gained their attention. They all stared in awe, I guess I didn't look the best.

"Hey kid, what happened to you?" The guy Luke asked me.

His hair was blonde and he had baby blue eyes. He wore a blue t shirt and his trousers were a dark shade of green.

"Yeah, you alright? Bitzel asked.

He had a dark blue hoodie and a pair of navy jeans.  He had dark brown hair and eyes. The final one had lighter brown hair, almost like Tubbo's but darker and messier. He had sunglasses and an orange turtle neck. He had black jeans and a Christmas hat, for some odd reason.

I shook my head. "You need to leave."

These people seemed really nice. If Dream was to find them, they'd be his new toys to manipulate.

"Why kid?"
"He'll hurt you as well. You need to leave before he finds you."

The guy with the Christmas hat stepped forwards and slowly approached me. I felt frozen to the spot I was stood in.

"Can you tell us who he is."
"...Dream." I shivered.
"What's your name kid, I'm TimeDeo."
"Has this Dream guy hurt you?"

I took a moment to think. Yes he had hurt me but I shouldn't snitch. Then again...

"Everyone hurt me." I mumbled without even realising.
"Tommy, take my hand."

I gingerly took Deo's hand and he began walking me away and to the portal.

"W-ait- NO, I- I can't leave!" I struggled to get myself away from the portal. Deo dropped my hand.

"Why?" Luke asked.
"I'm not allowed to leave, I was exiled from my home."
"For how long..?"
"Forever I guess, I don't even know how long it's been so far."
"Why did someone do this to a kid." Deo clenched his fists.
"Because-" I grinned to myself. "-it's Dream's favourite thing to do. Everyone's favourite thing to do actually, hurt me."

They looked horrified.

"We have enough invis pots for all of us." Bitzel suggested.
"We'll drink them  when we get back to the overworld."

Deo stretched his arm out, for me to take it again. I gladly accepted, and clung onto him.

We stepped through the portal and I admired the Nether.

"Lead the way Big guy!" Luke smiled.

I hesitantly let go of Deo's arm and walked down the path. I took glances at the lava lake below us, feeling the urge to fall. I admired the lava for a bit too long I guess, cause they noticed.

"We're gonna take care of you from now on Big Man."

The last word reminded me of Big Q. I missed him, and he seemed so upset when Tubbo exiled me. I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, and I'll slit the throats of anyone who dares hurt my Tommy."

"My Tommy?" I thought. "He cares as well..."

"Were almost there." I pointed in the distance to  the Nether Hub. "We should drink the potions now, it's usually really busy around here and we'll be in the open once we travel through."
"You're like a proper leader!"

I smiled at this statement. Maybe I was making the right decision for once.

"Thanks... Bitzel, innit? Yeah, I used to be one of the rulers of a country that I created, L'Manburg."
"Sick!" Luke cried.
"Yeah... my friend was elected president. After a few... issues, he kicked me out because Dream told him to."
"But he isn't the leader of L'Manburg!"
"Might as well be. Tubbo is a fucking push over and he gave up on me, his best friend, with one threat. And my other friends sat by and watched! I would of fought for all of them I was in his shoes-"

I began rambling angrily and then I felt some one take my hand again. It was Deo, he wore a dark expression on his face.

"Tubbo isn't your best friend anymore. We are."
"Are you being serious?"
"We mean business, because we are fancy business men."
"Don't you mean scammers?" Luke laughed.


"I'M A SCAMMER AS WELL! We should make ourselves a group name."
"Yeah!" Bitzel clapped his hands together enthusiastically.
"How about....Business Bay."
"I like that name." Deo nodded.
The others agreed, "It's official, we're the Business Bay Boys! I have my scammin' suit at my old home, we can go get it."

We shortly arrived at the portal and I wasn't scared anymore. I had my best friends by my side. I drank the potion and grabbed Deo's hand again, and we stepped through.

Before I realized it, we in the overworld and I realised what I had  done.

"Wait, I can't do this!"

I tried turning back round to go through the portal,  but Deo held tightly to me.

"No one is gonna dare touch you when you are with us."

Dream SMP Oneshots - mostly Sleepybois angstWhere stories live. Discover now