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"What the actual fuck?" You say, and they jump.

"(Y/n)!" Jenny and Yaz shout, climbing to their feet.

Missy stands and wheels round in shock while The Doctor frowns.

"Language!" She mutters and you roll your eyes.

"Nice to see you too, what the hell are you all still doing here?" You demand and they exchange glances. "What? What is it?" You say, reaching your hand through the bars, only to receive an electric shock on your wrist that makes you withdraw with a hiss. The look at you in concern before all the questions flood in.

"What's going on?"

"What did you tell them?"

"Where have you been?"

They all demand and you put your hands in the air to shut them up.

"One at a time, and I don't know! I made a deal! Stupid, lying, filthy little-"

"My love, I really don't think you want to finish that sentence" says Missy with a small smile and you swallow.

"(Y/n), tell us everything you know" says The Doctor and you look at her, breathing.

"Ok, I made a deal with the centaurs, they let you go in exchange for my services. And that's what I thought was happening. But they never let you go... oh god I screwed it all up" you say and they freeze.

"No my love, it's ok we're fine, are you ok? You look thin, and tired" says Jenny and you glance at her from under your eyes.

"No I've been having the time of my life" -anxiety sarcasm again. She smiles and you grin back.

"Ok, well now that we know you're alright, we need to leave" concludes The Doctor, and that's when you recieve another electric shock, making you jump.

"Ouch! Oh you're kidding me, already?" You mutter to yourself, feeling the watch on your wrist. Your hour was up.

"What is it?" Asks Missy in concern but you brush her off.

"What do we do?" You ask the blonde Time Lady and she frowns.

"I think, I need you to hoodwink a guard" she says and you stare. You had of course considered this almost immediately upon capture, but had ruled it out when you remembered they knew of your capabilities.

"They know what I can do! I can't take them all on!" You hiss and she looks at you straight.

"You don't need to take on all of them, just one to unlock our cell, I'll take it from there." She says calmly and you sigh worriedly.

"You can do this" says Yaz unexpectedly, and they all nod in encouragement.

For them, anything.

You set off to find a guard, coming across one far sooner than expected.

"What are you doing down here?" He demands. He smells of sweat and mud. Leaving all insecurities behind, you delve into his mind. But it's not enough.

You feel the connection loosening and panic, grabbing his arm and going deeper, planting thoughts surrounded with himself, utterly content with unlocking their cell door.

Holding your breath you let go, and follow as he heads back to their cell and unlocks it in a dream like state, right as you get another big shock. You jump but the others are out.

"Well done pet!" Says Missy and you hug her back as she grips you desperately, Jenny holding tight too.

"Ok we need to move" says The Doctor, but there was something else.

"Wait!" You cry and they stop, turning back.

"(Y/n) we need to go!" Pleades The Doctor but you shake your head.

"Please, we need to save these people!" You say and she stops.

"I'm sorry, there just isn't time" she says sadly and you feel tears brim. All these lives you'd ruined, and you couldn't make it better.

"Just one" you choke as Missy grabs your hand and pulls you forward. You shake free. "Just one. Please" you beg and her face is torn. Finally she nods and you lead the way back to the cell of the man with the bird song. He is surprised when the door opens, and even more so when you take his wrist and get going.

"You really are full of surprises you know!" He yells as you run, making you smile in a strained way.

"I thought I owed you one!" You call back and he laughs.

"Nah we were even" he pants and you smile.

"Well, I'll tell you what, have a good life with your family. Then we're even."

You tear down corridor after corridor, you have no idea how The Doctor knows which way she was going, but suddenly it's there, The Tardis in all its glory.

With one last zap from your watch, you fling yourself in through the doors and Jenny slams them behind you as you take off, away from the place you played prisoner and torturer.

"Well, that was unexpected" the man finally breaks the silence, and you open your mouth to respond, but instead you feel your entire body convulse as waves of electric heat course though you.

You shriek as panic erupts around you, tumbling to the floor and shaking until it stops in one final white hot flash.

"Sorry sorry! You should have told me sooner!" Says The Doctor, furiously ripping off the shackles as you sit up, panting, Jenny supporting your head worriedly.

"He was right, I didn't want to find out" you gasp, eyes weak.

"Oh I dare you to let me back there, I'll rip them apart piece by piece" growls Missy at your side.

"Easy now, we're all fine" you soothe and she kneels down and strokes your face lovingly.

"Oh! You're the screamer! Thanks for a week without sleep by the way... so you must be (Y/n)!" The man pieces together and you and Missy nod, still staring at each other.

You were safe, and free. You couldn't save everyone, but one was better than nothing. You would have to explain one day, what you did to those people.

The thought makes you huddle closer into your girlfriends. Not yet. You were ultimately a selfish creature, and almost couldn't bear to have them think any worse of you than they already should.

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