- Chapter Seventeen -

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Jisung looked out onto the crowd of people gathered in his home's foyer. There were so many that they were creeping up onto the staircase, shoved into other rooms and standing on furniture. Each and every single one of them was looking at him. He stood on a hall table in front of them all - almost squashed right against the wall - the leader of this ridiculously large group of people. Standing with him was the vampire Sylvia, and Minho, the demon he'd only met a few times but had taken quite a liking to.

Though nobody was talking, the space still seemed loud, a cacophony of rustling and shuffling around, all of them fidgeting as they waited for Jisung's command to move. Jisung turned to the window nearest to him, watching that last silver sun crawl towards the horizon. The other two had disappeared hours ago, leaving that single sun to light up the sky, but in minutes it too would disappear and then everything would be plunged into pure darkness.

The front doors were already flung open. They were large enough for a front door, but with the amount of people in his house, there was still going to be a lot of bottlenecking. He wished he could use transportation circles to get them all over, but there was simply too many of them, and the Princes of Hell would overtake them in seconds.

"Are we all ready?" Jisung shouted to the room. A ground shaking reply of shouts and stomping feet answered, all these people brimming with adrenaline and anticipation. "When it get's dark we leave. You can use lights to see yourselves to the door but as soon as you're on the other side of them, all lights need to be put out immediately. I'll be leading with a light of my own so everyone knows where we're going, but anymore than that and it will give us away."

The crowd of makeshift soldiers nodded, bracing themselves for war. Jisung redirected his gaze back to the sky, teeth jittering as the sun kissed the horizon, sinking lower every second. It wasn't long before it disappeared, and the light was sucked from the world.

As one, the group let out a combination of gasps and growls, one of the most terrifying sounds Jisung had ever heard in his life. He clicked his fingers and a ball of fire ignited in his hand, lighting up the area around him. One by one, the people around him did the same, balls and beams of light spearing through the thick darkness. Jisung jumped from the table and sauntered over to the door. It wasn't going to be dark long, so Jisung didn't have time to waste. But he still found himself hesitating at the door. And then he started running. Sylvia and Minho were only seconds behind, and moments after came the stampede of footfalls, angry forceful steps as they headed to the Criminal Justice Quarters as one.


Alex looked at her watch, the hands ticking slowly, inching closer and closer to their departure date. She had just gotten off the phone with you, and immediately she gathered everyone up, getting as many people as close to the portal to Hell as she could. The witches and wizard fiddled and shuffled nervously, the Fae stood unmoving with that eerie grace they possessed. All of them waiting for the second they would rush into battle, blades swinging and magic flying.

The hand on her watch ticked home. "Let's go," she said. She didn't need to shout or yell, the message traveled across them all like a wave, a blanket of energy igniting them all. Next to her stood Chan, anxiously biting his lip. When you were around he did a pretty good job of hiding his fear, but with you gone he was a nervous wreck. Alex put a comforting hand on his shoulder, and then swung open the portal door. As expected everything was dark inside. Slowly, one by one, people filtered through the door, their soft footsteps shuffling across the floor.

Alex could hear the confused sounds of the demons already in the Criminal Justice Quarters. It didn't take them long to start lighting up the space, balls of light shining upon the mass of people rushing through the door. They had no option but to blanch in fear and stay out of the way.

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