- Chapter Nine -

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It was hours after you'd woken and your head was still pounding incessantly. After about your eighth drink, everything from the night before was a bit of a blur. Chan himself was also pretty rough, no matter how many times he'd insisted he was perfectly fine to drive. Despite the horrid effects of the morning after, the night before had been pretty amazing. You couldn't thank Sylvia enough for giving you and Chan the opportunity to have a night like that.

Your memories were a little fuzzy but you could still remember the warmth you'd felt as you spent the night practically joined to Chan at the hip. Drink after drink after drink until you could barely tell your left from right, stumbling back to your hotel in the night, clothes flying around the room as you fell to the bed in a tangle of limbs. Other than that the whole night was a black blur.

Despite your less than desirable state of being, it didn't hinder the effect the beautifully diverse town had on you every time when you and Chan drove in later that morning. It was the very same one you'd come to with Chan six months ago. After the time you'd come with Chan, you'd found yourself frequenting these areas more often, large numbers of criminals tending to congregate in grey areas like this. Most times you only stopped in here to stay the night or get information from someone nearby. But had given you a few people to exterminate around here, so it did kind of dull the mood going in there now.

The last time Chan had been here though, he was the one doing the killing. "I still think about this a lot," Chan mumbled. The both of you were standing in the middle of the road outside The Devil's Call, Chan's eyes heavily focused on the ground beneath him where he had taken someone's life for the first time. The ground was clean now, you weren't sure who, but someone had come through and scrubbed at the asphalt until it was spotless. Despite this, Chan was looking at the ground as if he could still see the fresh black blood pooling out into it's cracks.

"I'm not surprised," you said, "It's a heavy thing to deal with." While Chan studied the ground, your gaze was snatched on his face, his features twisted in a mixture of disgust and fear. "Perhaps we shouldn't tell Sylvia about that, don't think she'd take it well either," you said half jokingly.

The comment made Chan smile but his eyes were still dark, mind weighed down with the heavy thoughts of what he did in that spot six months ago. "But hey, there are also good memories here as well." You grabbed his hands, squeezing them reassuringly and averting his eyes to yours, dragging him away from the bad thoughts and to good ones instead.

It seemed to work, Chan's cheeks dusting pink when his mind turned towards the first time he kissed you, only moments after he stuck an axe in the back of someone's neck. Not the most romantic of situations if you were being honest, but the memory still managed to make your stomach flutter. Despite the bittersweet memories, you weren't here to reminisce over the past, you were still here on business. You had specifically come back to see an old face, one Chan wasn't entirely excited to see again.

Still, as you approached the bright red door and the two of you descneded down the dark stariwell into the bar, Chan was carrying himself with more ease than he had when he first came here. The initial terror of the unkown had gradually worn off, and though he was still cautious being surrounded by danger, he was growing ever fonder of the magical world he had been thrown into. You were still uneasy descending into a pit of supernatural criminals with a human, but you doubted anyone would push any boundaries due to your newfound reputation. It may have been worse, but it was certainly more terrifying to the sort of type that frequented places like this bar.

As usual, the tension in the room grew as you stepped into the dark underground room, curious eyes flicking your way before hastily turning back to their conversation. You caught Minho's attention from across the room, scoffing in amusement when he rolled his eyes. You sat down at one of the bar stools, Minho pointedly shelving a variety of bottles on the dark oak shelf behind him, making you wait.

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