- Chapter Six -

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After your impromptu meeting, your small group had to split up. Alex went back to the Jurisdictive Quarters and Jisung left for the Criminal Justice Quarters. Other than act like everything was fine, there wasn't a whole lot either of them could do at that moment. But for you and Chan, you had left to once again hit the roads, though unlike last time, you were doing the chasing and not the running.

Before she left you wished your sister luck. You did wish you could have spent some more time with her, it had been years since you'd seen each other and you barely got a few hours together before you had to split up again. Despite that, you couldn't seem to find time to be upset. Though you were still filled with dread and worry about his safety, you couldn't begin to describe how fulfilling it felt to get in the car with Chan, knowing you were going to spend the next couple weeks together.

Though you were no longer being hunted by a flurry of very powerful people, Chan was still not a hundred percent safe when he was around you. Your job was still very dangerous, considering it revolved around murder, so the risk of Chan getting hurt still put you on edge. But you didn't want to think about that. You just wanted to think about the fact that he was right beside you, buckling himself into his seat like he was a child on his way to Disney world.

While you were wishing your sister goodbye Chan had called up his work and his friends. You weren't entirely sure what it was he had told them exactly, but he assured you that for however long it was needed, his presence would not be demanded by anyone in his human life. You felt a little guilty about ripping him from his life just like that, but mostly you were just excited to see him again.

The feeling was clearly mutual. "So where are we going first?" Chan looked over at you expectantly. Your heart still thumped at the way he looked at you, and you had to focus your attention on the road so as not to get lost in the flustered nerves.

"Changbin's." You said as you began to reverse out of your driveway.

"Oh," Chan said, deflated. He had clearly been more than intimidated the last time the two of you were there, so you supposed going back wasn't high on his list of priorities.

"I know, he's not the most fun person out there, but he's the closest, and probably the easiest to convince to help us out." You explained. As much as you did want to go out and do something with Chan that was actually enjoyable, the fate of your future was at stake here, so there were more important things to do. "But he's still a few days out, so we'll have to stop at a motel or two on the way."

"Just like old times." Chan said fondly, recounting your past time together as if you hadn't nearly died every other day.

"I suppose." You chuckled. For you it wasn't actually all that different. Since the last time you'd seen Chan all you'd been doing was driving around and staying in motels, the only difference is now you could actually enjoy it.

"So..." Chan said about thirty seconds after you had actually made it onto the highway. "How have you been?"

"Good." You lied. "How have you been?" In all honesty, you'd almost forgotten how to talk to him. Over the period of time you had been apart, you'd only realised how much you had actually loved Chan, his absence from your life hitting you like a brick to the head. Now that he was back you were filled to the brim with nerves.

You didn't know how you were supposed to act, what to say or what to do. You weren't even sure what your relationship was exactly. And most importantly, you didn't know what would happen after all of this was over. What if you failed? You didn't even know if you were going to survive all of this, what if it all ended terribly and you end up losing everything? You were confused and you were scared and you just wished you could enjoy your time with Chan while you had it.

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