- Chapter Seven -

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The shrill ring of your phone ripped you from your slumber, your head jerking up at the sound. You blinked rapidly, trying to clear the blurry haze from your eyes as your brain tried to wake itself. The early morning sunlight was halted from entering the room by the curtains drawn across the window but you could hear the chirping of birds just outside. Chan's warm arm was flung across your midsection, his breath still heavy and even as he remained undisturbed by the ringing of your phone.

You quickly snatched up your phone, hitting the bright green 'accept' button, not wanting to wake Chan from his sleep. Your voice croaked when you answered the phone, a broken greeting managing to escape your mouth.

"Oh sorry, it's probably really early where you are isn't it," Jisung's apologetic voice met your ear, "You know time's a little different down here."

"Yeah," you deadpanned, too tired to scold him for waking you up, "What did you want?" You slowly peeled Chan's arm off of your body, sliding out of the bed as quietly as you could, leaving him to his sleep.

"I just got word from one of my friends that the Luna Nocte bar is having it's winter solstice event," he said, his words implying that this was important.

"Okay..." You responded slowly, sitting down on a chair at the dining table, "Are you saying that you want to party or something, 'cause that's very nice but we've actually got a lot of work to do Jisung and we should probably save that for another time."

"No, you idiot, the Luna Nocte bar is the bar that Sylvia Romero owns, she's a bit elusive and hard to track down but if there's an event happening at her bar then it's certain she'll be there. It's happening in a couple nights and it's your best shot at recruiting her," Jisung explained and you sighed in understanding.

"Yeah, that makes a lot more sense," you agreed, "I'm worried about bringing Chan though, I already know he's not going to stay at the motel but I'm scared someone's going to try something." The concept of bringing a human into a very popular vampire bar was just base line stupid. If it had been a year ago, you knew that your status would have demanded respect for you and anyone in your party. But a bloodhound had no respect, and you would have to have your guard up all night or Chan would suffer the consequences.

"Actually, I think bringing him along would help you out," Jisung said, continuing when his words were met with confused silence on your end. "Sylvia Romero has been rumored to be in similar situation as you. Many people have claimed to see her in a... close relationship with a human too."

"Are you serious?" You gasped, genuinely shocked that there were other magical beings out there, especially a vampire, that had interests in humans other than killing them.

"Like I said, it's all rumours, but I doubt Sylvia would be very public about having a human girlfriend, she's smart enough to know that would only end in tradegy." Jisung was more than right. "Bringing Chan with you might make her more sympathetic to your case and might work in your favour when trying to persuade her to join us."

It was still risky taking Chan with you into a place run by vampires, and being a bloodhound who was disowned from the Jurisdictive Quarters, it wasn't unlikely that you may run into a few people who weren't very fond of you. But you knew already that Chan would resist any and all of your requests that he stay away. And if Jisung was right, maybe it would even be more helpful to bring him along.

"But Y/N?" Jisung said uneasily.

"What?" You asked, already worried.

"This event is kind of fancy, you could probaby get away with wearing what you usually wear on a normal day, but on the off chance they turn you away at the door for being underdressed, I would very much recommend that you go serching through your closet and find something to wear from back in your party days," Jisung said. You groaned inwardly.

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