- Chapter Three -

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Your head throbbed as your vision slowly came back. The room was spinning so you blinked your eyes a few times, trying to make sense of where you were. You jerked back violently when the first thing to appear in your vision was Rozog's sneering face. On initial instinct you went to reach out with your hand and blast him away with a current of power but your arm was restricted, handcuffed behind you. Kicking out with your legs you realised your legs had been tied to the chair as well.

Rozog laughed in your face at your attempts. It was then you remembered why you were in this room in the first place. You frantically whipped your head around, eyes meeting Chan's instantly.

"Chan!" You cried, luckily not gagged like he was. You forgot Rozog was even in the room momentarily, lost in the fact that Chan was actually there. Six months of being away from him, seeing his face again hit harder than any punch Rozog could land on you. He somehow managed to look entirely different and utterly the same since you last saw him. He had bleached his hair blonde, the unruly curls longer now too. He had also filled out his shirt a bit more, his shoulders looking broader underneath his black shirt. But his face, it was exactly the same, the familiar look of worry on his face making your heart hurt.

He muffled something around the gag in his mouth by you couldn't make out what he was saying. Rozog scoffed and grabbed you by the chin, jerking your head to make you look at him.

"Yes, yes, happy reunion, back to me now." He snapped. Anger surged in your veins like an uncontrollable wave, and you knew if you weren't tied down, Rozog would have been speaking his last words.

Now that the shock of seeing Chan again had dimmed slightly, you realised there was something wrong with you. Your body felt dull, numb almost, as if it had been sapped of something vital. "What did you do to my magic?" You demanded. Surely Rozog wasn't capable of completely taking away your magic, but fear spiked through you at the possibility.

"Neat isn't it?" Rozog raised his brows, looking much too smug about the situation. He pointed down at the ground and your eyes landed on a spell circle wrapped around your chair. Rozog was standing just on the outside of the circle. Chan's chair had a similar circle around his, and you realised that must have been the spell Rozog was talking about. Your stomach lurched when you thought about the fact that you very nearly killed Rozog.

The circle around your chair must have been sucking out your power. Hopefully, it just meant that if you managed to scrub out the circle, the spell would break and your magic would come back. "Now that I've got you in more of a compliant position, let's talk." Rozog said, straightening up and crossing his arms over his chest. He was trying to look intimidating but it was difficult when he was wearing a child's dress.

"Where did you find him?" You asked flicking your head in Chan's direction. Rozog rolled his eyes. He clearly wasn't in the mood to talk about anything other than his immunity.

"Believe me, when word got out that Mammon's best bloodhound had a personal attachment to a human, I kept my tabs on him." Rozog smirked and you suddenly felt nauseous. You thought letting Chan go would have been safe for him, but it turns out the most dangerous thing for Chan was meeting you, and there was no way you could take that back.

"I knew Mammon had been looking around for me for a while," Rozog continued, "And perhaps it was only a matter of time before one of his nasty little servants found me, especially with you in his arsenal now. So I thought I'd get a head start on things, use that opportunity to my advantage."

"What do you mean?" You stalled while you thought of a plan.

"I may have slipped out little bits of information here and there, knowing they'd end up in Mammon's hands and hoping it'd end up with you coming after me. From there it was easy, kidnap the human, and wait until you walked into my little trap. Simple really." Rozog's smile was enough to make you want to vomit right onto your lap.

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