Chapter 13

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I ran with my speed down the stairs and stood behind him, he didn't know I was there and I wasn't going to let him find out. I stood behind him as he walked to the living room with a bag in his hand. He sat down on the couch and began taking out bottles of liquor, once he had them set he turned the tv on and watched some movie, I wanted to attack him right there but I wanted to give him a scare before I did.

"Alice get your ass down here!!" He yelled.

No one is here. No one will hear you scream, I thought to myself.

"Alice I said get your fucking stupid ass down here!!!" That made me want to snap his neck, he cursed under his breath and got up I turned around and hid in a nearby closet that was near the living room. He walked up the stairs when I saw him enter her room and ran up the stairs and stood by her door watching him. He didn't see her so he turned to leave I ran and looked for a place to hide. I heard his footsteps going back to the living room. My inner demon was craving to kill him but I wanted to wait for the perfect moment to do it. I watched him sit down and that's when I knew that it was the perfect moment but as soon as I heard the door bell ring I silently growled and hid. He got up and answered the door.

"Hey Jake long time no see man come in" I heard him say.

"It's good to see you too John how you been man?" Jake said as they walked to the living room.

"I'm good man just being me"

"I can tell, hey is that vodka?"

"Oh yeah it is, want a bottle?"

"Oh heck yeah!"

John went through the bag and grabbed two bottles and handed one to Jake and sat down.

"So how are things?"

"Good, except my wife left me with her slut of a daughter, can you believe she left a note saying she was leaving us to live her life and instead of taking her stupid kid she left her?"

"No way man, wait she left Alice, how is she anyways is she hot?"

He nodded" yeah she left her behind and I don't know I mean I've seen her in a bikini and in a towel you could practically see her figure in a towel it's pretty hot"

I stood hidden behind the kitchen door as I listened to the conversation, I wanted to kill him how dare he say things like that about my fucking mate!? The temptation to kill him was taking over but I decided to stay put.

"I would totally fuck her"

"Already have, she's pretty tight"

" fucked her?!"

He nodded.

"I she good?"


"So if I..."

"I wouldn't care"


I left the house as fast as I could and went to the hospital. I have to tell her what's going on before she enters that house. I have to tell her . But what if she's dead? Then you'll have to turn her I thought to myself.

And that's when I realized that I was going to have to do something that I promised to myself that I wouldn't do.

But...will I sacrifice that promise to save my beloved? Yes...I will.

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