Chapter 19

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* Skylar's P.O.V.*

I ran as fast as I could trying to get to the hospital before he took her and made her into his own personal slave. Something told me she was gone but I didn't want to believe it, so I kept running until I was in front of the hospital, I walked in not trying to look anxious, but stopping realizing that my sweater face and hair was covered in dirt, I went to the nearest bathroom and decided to clean up before I went to see Alice. Seeing that I was presentable enough I asked the front desk nurse where her room was, even though I already knew but I had to pretend that I didn't, she told me the number of her room, I thanked her, and walked away.

I stood in front of her door, remembering of what happened the last time that I was here, taking a deep breath I turned the knob and walked in. She was there, sleeping, her skin looked like it was getting its color back which I saw as a good sign. I walked up to her bed, I didn't want to wake her up but I had to she had to know what John had planned for her. I shook her arm a little but she wouldn't wake up.

"Alice" I whispered.


I decided to touch her face

"Alice...wake up" I said, she began moving till finally she opened her eyes.

"Skylar?" she said in confusion

"yeah love it's me" I said sitting down

" what are you doing here, I thought the doctors removed you from the room?"


"yeah I passed out but before I did...I heard your voice"

"I just got here"

she sat there confused, I watched her face change from confusion to worry. I shook it off and remembered why I came down here.

"I have something to tell you Alice, it's very bad so I am going to need you to please stay calm and listen to me carefully"

she got comfortable and waited for me to speak.

"John...he's going to make you into his personal slave, and his friend is going to be the first one to have you"

she sat there with no expression in her face, I waited for her to say something but all I heard was silence.


she didn't speak

"Alice, please say something"

" I know"


"I said I know"

"what do you mean by that"

"he...he came here and told me everything Sky"

my eyes widened in shock, she knew what was going to happen.

"Listen to me...he is not going to take you okay, I will take care of you I won't let him hurt you like he has done those past years. I will keep you safe, I will protect you" I grabbed her face with both hands "I won't let him have you"

"what can you do Skylar, he will kill you if he knew you tried taking me away?"

"I will make sure you are safe Alice, I am worried about you more than I am about myself"

I held her, making sure she knew that I will protect her with everything that I got, I wanted to tell her my secret but right now was not a good moment. All I wanted to do was hold her until someone kicked me out the room. I wasn't sure how long I have been holding her but I felt someone nudge my shoulder waking me up, it was a nurse.

" I am sorry hun but you have to go, visiting hours are over" she said quietly

I nodded and looked at Alice making sure she was okay, her sleeping body showed me she was, I moved my arms and fixed her body into a more comfortable position, tucking her in I kissed her forehead and left the room.

Walking out the hospital with a hungry stomach and rage inside me that won't go away until he was dead was something that had to be taken care of, I couldn't kill him yet not until Alice was good enough to run away with me, I know what you're thinking, why don't you just take her now you're a vampire you can heal her even turn her? Thing is I don't want her to question the fact that she has healed fast, and have the doctors keep her in there longer because of how fast she got better, I want to do this as low-key as possible without people trying to figure things out, and this whole commotion appears, plus if I turn her she'll hate me, I want her to want it I don't want to do it so that things could be easier, forcing her is something I do not want to do. I want to take my time with her, so until then I will wait for her to get better and from then on we will do things the way they are supposed to be.

I started walking towards the street that led to my home. I will have to come up with a plan while she is in the hospital, at least she is safe in there. Walking towards my front steps I took my keys out, but stopped when I heard noise coming from inside the house I felt my fangs pop out causing me to get in defensive mode. I opened the door slowly and sniffed the air...alcohol and weed ...I heard voices and one of them sounded like my...oh no... I opened the door in shock and there was the man I despised with my dead heart, with his back behind me talking to other people that didn't sound familiar, I couldn't see who they were but I knew they were men, I retracted my fangs and stood there in the hallway not knowing what to do.

"Dad?" I called out.He stood up and turned around with a evil smirk.

"Hello Skylar, nice to see that you're home"

The other two people appeared dressed in black.

"Who..who are-"

"These are my friends, Paul and Chris"

" What's going on, I thought you were with that girl you met?"

"You see, son, I only said that because I couldn't tell you why I left,I was supposed to arrive next month, but something very important and interesting seemed to pop up" he said while getting closer

"and that is?"

" My boss, John Miller, he had a very good business proposition for me and waiting was something I couldn't do, so I flew in as fast as I could because his offer was amazing, a very good deal I might say"

My heart stopped, hoping he was talking about another John and not the John I knew.

"He has a daughter, who goes by the name of-" he reached into his jacket and pulled out a piece of paper " Alice, and he wants to sell her around for money, I get to help manage the business which means I get half of everything he makes off of her body, isn't that amazing?"

My heart dropped, I couldn't believe he was working for the man that I wanted dead and wanted to sell his daughter to strangers and my own father. I went to charge at him but I felt arms wrap around my body I fought to escape but I couldn't and if I showed him what I was he would kill me there, pretending to be weak was the only way I'll go through this.

"yeah I know about you and your little slut, I had someone in the hospital spy on you, Mike was his name, called her father to let him know she was there and then called me to let me know you were there as well, isn't that a twist?"

"Leave her alone she didn't do anything wrong!" I yelled at him

"yeah but you love her, and that means hurting her would be hurting you and that is probably the best thing ever right now AND I am getting money out of it as well, perfect business son. Now I am going to meet up with John to discuss the, deal. Till then, you'll be locked up in the basement" he said while walking away.

" You can't do this!" I said breaking free from the guy's grasp and charged at him, not until I felt a pain in my head and began feeling dizzy.

" Don't worry Skylar, we'll take care of her" was the last thing I heard before everything went black.

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