Chapter 1

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Going to school was always a drag. I can't even walk in the school without being either shoved, tripped,or made fun of.

"Ew, go back to your hole you worthless little scum "

"Looks like somebody got lost while walking here, emo hag the zoo is in the other side of town"

"Did it just get smelly or am I just imagining that awful stench?"

I walked as fast as I could so that I wasn't able to hear anymore of the taunting people kept throwing at me.No luck. Even if I tried escaping everyone, I would still hear their voices and laughter in my head. I walked a bit faster so that I could get to my locker and get to class but I was suddenly tripped and all my books flew out of my hand and I ended up falling face flat on the ground. Laughter...that's all I heard...laughter I tried getting up but was then pushed down I looked up to see who did it but just by looking at the person's shoes I knew who it was. Micheal Hill, the most popular guy in school and the schools captain for the football team. I won't deny it but he isn't ugly in fact he is drop dead gorgeous but because he is a jock and I'm an outcast our kind does not mix. Even if it did, he still wouldn't date me, why? Well, there are a couple of reasons but the three main ones would be because, one I'm not a cheerleader two I'm not drop dead gorgeous and three I'm not Stacy Morgan. Who is Stacy Morgan you ask? Well let me tell you she is the captain of the cheerleading team, and of course if you're a cheerleader you have to be beautiful and flawless and let me tell you she is exactly that. Stacy is basically a goddess, well in everyone's eyes she was but as for me she was one of the most meanest, nastiest, disgusting, bitchiest, there are just so many words that can describe her and the ones I just said were just the beginning of it she only thought she was all that only because she was rich. Her mother is a lawyer, the best one out there actually, and her father was the owner of a big industry that had to do with engineering, basically he was in charge in the making of cars and such. Her life was perfect basically she had friends a boyfriend money popularity Stacy was the human version of barbie herself and she was the type of doll I never wanted to play with but as for guys she was the type of doll they thought was worth standing in line for in order to play with, it sickens me.

"How does the floor taste?" Micheal said to me while laughing at his oh so not funny question. I looked up at him in disgust and went to grab my books as fast as I could so that I could leave and get my stuff for first block, when I began to get up he slammed my books to the ground and gave his buddies fist bumps while laughing. I bent over to pick up my belongings and went to turn away until I felt my arm being grabbed and someone tugging on it in order for me to get closer to them so that I could not escape, I turned to see Micheal smiling evily he slid my sleeves up exposing some cuts I began to freak out and tried to get out of his hold before anyone saw my scars he then turned his face to the students surrounding us and began to speak.

" look at what we've got here, little miss emo likes to slice her own skin"

Everyone turned to look at us and began to laugh and taunt me, I tried to get out of his hold but the more I fought the harder he held me. I began to tear as I was being held and laughed at.

"Micheal, let go, please"

"Oh, so it speaks"

"Please let go, what did I ever do to you to make you hate me, what's the reason?"

"You exist, that's why"

I put my head down trying to cover up my tears but failed because he lifted my head to show everyone my now stained face.

"Awwww she cries"


"Nah, I'm enjoying this and it seems like I'm not the only one who is "

I tried to fight back, I just wanted to escape to never come back, I wanted to be home in bed where I belong. No one bothers me there. I went to pull my arm until I heard a scream, actually more like a yelling type of sound, I went to turn around and once I did I knew who it was instantly. Stacy. She was facing girl who I guess did something that she didn't like and began to yell at her. "Next time watch where you are going these shoes are not cheap and if you dare do anything like this again I will hurt you, got it? !?" She yelled, all the girl did was nod and run away. Seconds later she was infront of Micheal making out with him not noticing that I was still there being held by her boyfriend. I waited...and waited...and waited but they were still going at it so I decided to clear my throat and wait for a response.

"What do you want scumbag?" She asked me with a harsh tone

"Well...maybe if your boyfriend lets go of me you two could continue eating each others faces out without me here" I told her with an attitude. She stared at me like if she just got hit by a truck, I guess no one ever talked back to her oh well I don't care I wasn't going to let some slut talk to me like that even if she was rich and popular.

" what did you just say to me?"she asked with fire in her eyes.

"I said well maybe if your boyfriend let go of me you two could continue eating each others faces out without me here, it's disgusting watching two rats suck on each others tongues" I said a bit louder since she appearantly did not hear me the first time, so I made sure I said it clear enough for her.

"Who the hell do you think you're talking to?"


"First of all you do not speak to me like that, second of all do not give me attitude because I will slap it out of your system, got it?!"

"Oh whatever, you might be a goddess to everyone but to me you will always be a mean nasty slutty bitch who has nothing better to do with her life than to pick on innocent people and people who chose to be different!"

"Did you just...oh fuck no!" She got close to my face and stared at me.

"Did I just what, curse you out. Yes I did...problem?" I said staring back at her.

"Why you little..." she grabbed me by the throat and began to squeeze it, next thing I know I'm on the floor getting smacked and punched. I screamed for help but I knew that even if I begged for help no one would come. I was a nobody and people who are anonymous are uncared for. I yelped with pain when she grabbed me by my hair and punched me on the face my nose started throbbing and I got a headache. I cried and prayed that it would just end as I was thrown on the floor, suddenly it did, my breathing slowed down and everything seemed to be moving...I was very dizzy.

"Next time don't you dare disrespect me again, this was just to teach you a lesson, no one cares about you not even your own parents, dont expect help from those who don't even know you exist or even cares about you" She said to me. I began to get up until she pushed me down with her foot and laughed while walking away. I had no strength to move, to breath, to speak...I had no strength to do anything but to just lay there. No one came to help me, then again I didn't expect anyone to.

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