Chapter 14

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*Alice's P.O.V*




I groaned and went to turn off my alarm, but no matter where I touched I couldn't find it, I opened my eyes and let my eyes adjust to the lighting in the room. I was confused when I realized that I wasn't in my room...or on my bed. I was at the hospital. I moved a little and made a hissing sound...pain all I felt was pain, I saw that my left arm was wrapped up why is that there? I thought to myself I began to freak out suddenly the door opened and I froze in place. It was a nurse, she didn't notice that I was awake because she was writing something that was on her clipboard I cleared my throat and she looked up with a big smile on her face.

"Looks like someone is confused" she said to me while getting closer, she was really pretty green eyes black hair red lips and high cheek bones she must have guys all over her.

"Um...why am I here?" I said well tried saying my voice sounded hoarse.

"You don't remember?" She asked, and I shook my head slowly. " you cut yourself pretty deep honey and passed out luckily you were saved by a friend of yours just in time, you were out for a couple of days we were afraid that you were in a coma but I guess our theory was wrong "

I sat there in silence. It all came back to me, the beating waking up in pain cutting my skin cutting my vein and passing out. I looked down at my arm and tried to take off the bandage but she stopped me before I did.

"You can't take that off yet honey they're still healing"

" you know where he went?"

"Who the boy?"

I nodded

"He didn't get in the ambulance he was in shock from finding you like this he didn't want to let you go when the paramedics came in to save you"

"He didn't want to let me go?"

"Yeah they said he seemed afraid of losing you"


"Yes, well since you're up I'm going to let the doctors know so that they can check you to let you know when you can go home"

I nodded my head and watched her leave.

Was I important to Skylar? I thought to myself.

*Skylars P.O.V*

I ran as fast as I could to the hospital. So many thoughts were running through my mind but Alice my beautiful mate was all my focus was on no matter what tried to get in the way she was my main priority.

I went to the front desk and asked the lady where I could find Alice, she told me which one she was being kept in and I went straight to her room, I didn't know whether if I should knock or barge in, I stood by the door trying to figure out what I should do knowing that I was wasting time I barged in and prepared to see what I feared most.

*Alice's P.O.V*

I sat there confused, thoughts were going through my mind. I was trying to figure out what happened but then my door barged opened and there stood Skylar. His eyes were red he looked paler and he had dark circles under his eyes...has he been crying? He just stood there staring at me like if he was afraid to come near me. I smiled a bit and tried to open my mouth but once I did I felt his lips against mines. He held my face and kept kissing me I was shocked at first but then I gave in. Soon our tongues were fighting for dominance and he won the battle, he pulled me closer I tried to breathe but I couldn't move from him so I bit his lip and earned a groan from him. I backed away letting go of his bottom lip and smiled while he made our foreheads touch.

"Don't you your life do that to me again Alice I was so worried I thought I lost you"

"I...I'm sorry I just"

"You don't have to explain can when you're ready" and with that he kissed my forehead and laid next to me. I cleared my head and soon I started drifting off into a dreamless sleep.

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