☁️Injuries (QuackityXKarl)☁️

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Thank you smpdream_team and jasoncarpooldad___  for the requests!I changed them up a bit and made this a Hurt/comfort/Fluff kind of deal

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Thank you smpdream_team and jasoncarpooldad___ for the requests!
I changed them up a bit and made this a Hurt/comfort/Fluff kind of deal

⚠️CW: Swearing and blood mention⚠️


🌀Karl's POV🌀:

I was fiddling with my engagement ring while trying to find my thread to fix my hoodie. I had ripped one of the seams of it while practicing some fighting skills with SapNap a few hours prior.

Speaking of my engagement ring, I haven't seen Quackity in a while. Sapnap went off to visit George I believe after we had finished our dual. I brushed off the thought of them, there's no sense in being worried about where they were. They are both grown men and can take care of themselves surely. Well then again I am talking about Quackity and SapNap.

Quackity has been secretive lately and Tubbo was working on something on the podium in L'manburg but I hardly pay attention to whatever goes on there anymore. This morning he was talking about something about Technoblade and a "Butcher army" but I didn't question it.

I finished the stitch, tying it off before tugging tightly and quickly at the thread, snapping it off from the knot. I set my needle aside and held up my hoodie, checking it for anymore holes or lose stings from where I've had to stitch up before. The hoodie looked almost as good as knew so I slipped it back on, smiling at my work.

I jumped up slightly, reaching for my sword as I heard my front door be slammed open with extreme force. I turn to look at the doorway and was faced with none other then Quackity.

"Fuck, Karl can you help me please?" He asks with his hand covered in blood as it covered the right side of his face.

I instantly ran over, concerned for my fiancé. I grabbed his bloodied hand carefully and pulled it off his face so I could see the damage done. A long slash from his top lip up to his eye was the cause of the blood.

"Stay right here and don't move," I said quickly as I ran over to my Enderchest, pulling out a potion of healing.

I handed it over to him and watched as he drank the liquid down. The wound healed but left permanent damage to his lip and his eye. I frowned.

"Can you see out of your other eye?" I ask, gesturing to the damaged one.

Quackity covers his other eye, looking around before shaking his head, "No. It's all black"

I gave him a pitiful look before pulling him in for a tight hug. He soon wrapped his arms around me but being careful with the blood that still covered his one hand. I soon pulled back, running over to my chests and grabbing some cloth. I dipped it in the cauldron full of water and squeezed out any extra water before running back over to him. I took hold of his hand and started cleaning him up. Being careful while scrubbing so that I didn't cause rashes.

"Who did this to you?" I ask, folding the cloth to make it easier to clean and not just smudge around the blood.

He stayed quiet for a moment before responding, "TechnoBlade."

I looked up at him confused. Why would TechnoBlade come all the way out back here just to hurt Quackity? It makes no sense. He sends me a glance that showed he didn't want to talk more about it so I just continued my work.

I walked back over to my cauldron and rinsed out all the blood, soaking the cloth back up before squeezing it all out again. I walked back over to Quackity, raising the cloth to his face.

"This might hurt a bit because the wound is still technically fresh," I lightly press down on his top lip, wiping off the blood.

Quackity winced slightly under my touch. It hurt me to cause him pain but it had to be done. I worked my way carefully up the scar, clearing all the blood and dirt. Once I finished and threw the cloth over to my table as I would just wash it later. I glance back over to Quackity, only to be met with a empty and sad expression. I frown and rest a hand on his cheek. I smile softly as he reaches up and places his hand on mine.

"Your still beautiful in my eyes," I say softly.

He looks into my eyes and smiles softly. He grabs my waist softly with his free hand and pulls me in, giving me a soft kiss. I melted instantly and kissed back. He was the first to pull away.

"What did I do to deserve you?" He asks with a bright smile.

I smile back and leaned into him, wrapping my arms around him in a hug. He wrapped his arms around me and rested his head on my shoulder, while being careful to not hurt himself.

Boy did I love him

841 words

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