🖤☁️Don't stop loving me{FundyxEret}☁️🖤

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Thank you random_wee6 for this request!

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Thank you random_wee6 for this request!

I didn't really know if you wanted adoptedDad!Eret arc or actual Eret x Fundy so I went with Eret x Fundy. Sorry if this isn't what you wanted!

⚠️CW: Swearing (duh, does this really have to be a warning at this point?) argument between father and son⚠️


🦊Fundy's POV🦊

Well, all I can say about my father's return is that it was an unpleasant surprise when I heard about the news. Don't get me wrong, I would be overjoyed to have my dad back after years of him being dead but when he's already made himself known to be a huge bitch and worse then before he died you can understand why I don't want to see him again. Let alone be anywhere around or near him.

It doesn't help with the fact that I am currently dating the one and only lovely Queen Eret themselves. Wilbur held a grudge on him even during his last few days so I have my doubts that he'll be accepting of his son dating a traitor. Even if he isn't I won't stop dating Eret. I mean come on, they are the one person in this entire server that has pretty much welcomed me into their care with open arms. She is my person that lets me cry onto their shoulder without issue and I couldn't be more grateful and happy with anyone else.

But of course even with my current positive mindset, you can expect my dread when I got a message from the resurrected man himself asking to see me. He just wanted a visit, right? So why am I so worried about it? Eret wasn't home at the moment as he needed to tend to something in the badlands so I was left alone in the castle, it's not like I can make up an excuse that I'm with a friend. Knowing Wilbur he'd probably turn the entire server upside down and inside out to try and find me. So why lie?

And here we are now. I had agreed to see him again but only to catch up with him about all the things that's happened while he was away and that was gonna be it. That's what we both agreed on anyways but I have a sneaking suspicion that he was gonna go against or bend our little agreement in some shape or form. The meet up place we agreed on to meet at was the entrance pathway to the old underground club that's now left abandoned and caved in. He had ended up beating me to it and was there with his hands in the pocket of his old trench coat, smiling over to me once he saw me walking down the pathway.

"Fundy my boy, It's great to see you!" He said, walking over a bit closer to me to meet in the middle and speed the process up of getting close to me.

My tail flicked behind me as he greeted me and I smiled sheepishly, "Hey Dad, it's good to see you too I guess."

"So tell me kiddo," He starts, taking a hand out of his pocket and wrapping his arm around my shoulder in a sort of awkward side hug, "What's been going on around here lately, Huh? What's been going on in Fundy's little world while I've been gone?"

Jesus Christ I've only been with him for a little less then five minutes and I already want to leave. Go back home to the castle and just wait however long it takes until Eret gets home. Then I'm gonna trap him in a cuddle fox pile. Mark my words I'll do it.

I sighed before answering with a fake smile just to seem at least somewhat kind to him, "Not much has been happening actually, as for me I have my life together finally."

"Good good! That's what I like to hear," He said, patting my back slightly before stepping back and giving me some space after already completely assaulting my person space bubble, "Do you still live in this shit hole or have you found somewhere else, somewhere nicer to stay?"

Welp, here goes nothing. Fingers crossed that this goes at least somewhat well.

"No, I don't live in L'manburg anymore don't worry. I actually live in Eret's castle and have been for a while now." I answered truthfully with a small shrug, my tail wagging at just the mention of Eret.

He falls quiet and his smile faded as he takes in the new information I had given him, "Eret? Like the Eret that turned into a traitor and helped the Dream team to murder almost everyone in cold blood during the first L'manburg war? That Eret?"

I cringed as he questioned me about Eret along with my tail starting to lash out of irritation that he still thought like this, "Dad the wars were years ago, Eret has changed for the better I can promise you that-"

"Are we talking about the same Eret here, Fundy?" He asks, cutting me off as he took both of his hands out of his pockets, "because I don't think we are. Eret is a no good self centered traitor that only does things for people if in the end it's beneficial to him."

"Wilbur get your head out of your ass!" I snapped, pinning my ears back as my tail lashed behind me, "He. Isn't. Like. That. Anymore."

"Tch, how do you know? What did you offer to do for him just to live in his castle?" He pressed on, glaring at me.

"I didn't offer her anything! They are my boyfriend and they wanted me to stay with him," I revealed, to angry to register what I had said before covering my mouth.

"He's your what?" Wilbur snapped, glaring at me with his jaw clenched.

I cowered back away from him with widened eyes. well he clearly did not like the news. Not one bit apparently.

"I thought I raised you better then this!" He starts his shouting, "Out of everyone in this god for saken server you chose Eret??"

"They were the only person that made me feel loved when no one else would," I argued back, raising my voice slightly, "You sure as hell didn't make me feel loved at all so you can't put up an argument!"

"You know what Fundy." He snaps, stepping towards me before grabbing a tight hold on my wrist that would probably leave a bruise behind.

"Hey-! Let go of me!" I yelped as he grabbed hold of me, trying to tug away before being successful in doing so.

Without a second thought I bolted away from him, running down the prime path even with him shouting for me to come back. I never looked back. Not even when I made it to the front gate of the Pride castle. I rushed inside and closed the before pressing my back up against it and covered my mouth, trying to calm down. Little did I know that Eret was back home at that time.

"Fundy?" He called for me, stepping closer before she was right in front of me, "Hey hey, what happened?"

I looked up to meet their eyes before hugging him tight, hiding my face in his chest, "I went to meet up with Wilbur.."

"Oh..," he said softly as she hugs me back, trying to comfort me "It's alright..don't let whatever he said to you get to you."

I fell silent for a moment, taking in what he said. I sighed softly and held them tight.

Please don't stop loving me.

1280 words


Forget me not (Dad!Schlatt AU) chapter one is out and chapter two is being worked on!

Just my Imagination (Imaginary!Ranboo AU) is still being worked on but chapter one will hopefully be out soon.

False lullaby (Winged!Wilbur x Siren!Sally) chapter 6 will be out soon!

Thanks for being patient! ~Echo

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