Chapter 11

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I was sitting on my beanbag, browsing Instagram, when suddenly Emily - who was using her laptop for an assignment - said, "Bethany, it's a Saturday."
"So?" I asked, never looking away from my phone. I was watching a funny Instagram video of a kid saying, "I'm sleepy.." Then he held up a spoon and put it onto his tongue.
"We should totally hang out somewhere."
"Like where?"
"Wait, when is the dance?"
"Next weekend."
"OMG, we have nothing to wear!"
"Haha. Can't we go shopping on schooldays?"
"No way. Too much homework."
"Fine. I'll call Lucy."
I clicked 'Contacts' on my phone and dialed Lucy.
"Hi! This is Lucy, if you have something important to say, please leave a message after this beep."
Great. It was on voicemail.
"She's not picking up," I said, going back to Instagram.
"That's okay. I just remembered she had cheerleading practice," Emily replied.
"So can we go now?"
We quickly walked outside to Emily's car to go to Poppy Mall. That's the best place to go shopping.
In the car, I was still on Instagram, stalking Taylor Swift. Then Emily asked, "So? Where you wanna go first?"
"What do you mean?" I asked, puzzled. "I thought we were going shopping."
"Ahem, we haven't ate lunch yet."
"Oh. Okay. Let's go to Deanna's Diner."
"Sure, my treat."
It was nice for Emily to treat us lunch. So, she drove over to Deanna's Diner, where she somehow got a lucky parking spot in front of the diner.
We sat in a comfy two-seater table, where the window was right next to it.
The waiter walked over and asked politely, "Here's the menu. What would you like?"
I scanned the menu to see the most edgiest foods I've ever seen. Mayo sandwich, apple pancakes, carrot and lemon juice.
"I'd like the hot cinnamon coffee, with the lasagna." Emily pointed out. "How about you, Bethany?"
"Uh, I only want some chocolate milkshake and chocolate chip cookies."
The waiter nodded and walked away to send the orders.
Meanwhile, me and Emily just chatted about random stuff.
"Hey, Emily?" I asked.
"Yeah?" She answered, turning away from the window.
"Why do you look so tired today? And you sound tired too."
"Oh, I've been working on that assignment just now for three whole days, I don't think I ever closed my eyes before."
"Then why do you wanna go shopping when you barely have any energy?"
"Girl, I never get tired of shopping!" She immediately brighten up after she said the word 'shopping'.
Moments later, our food arrived. I ate the soft and mushy chocolate cookies slowly while drinking my milkshake. I love chocolate..
Emily held up her spoon to try the lasagna. She raised an eyebrow and said, "I think I haven't even ate for three whole days too."
I sighed a little and asked softly, "Emily, please be aware of your health."
"Why?" She asked, gobbling down he food.
"Emily, calm down. You know why our health is important."
She quickly sipped her coffee and recovered her ditziness. "Oh, yeah. Sorry, I guess I was really tired."
Then we had our silence while eating. I let Emily recover more during that time. Poor Emily.
Soon, we found ourselves in Poppy Mall, sitting on a shoe store seat, trying on several shoes.
I tried on high heels, flats and even sneakers.
When I slipped on some cute Canvas sneakers, Emily put a tired and annoyed look on her face, and said, "Bethany, why do you have to try on sneakers? We're shopping for the dance, hello?"
"Oops, sorry," I apologized. "I just want some casual shoes to go with my new denim skirt, you know?"
"Haha, okay. But we don't have much time. Let's go shop for the dresses now."

Hi! Here's another quickly uploaded chapter. And guess what? I have a a holiday for a whole week! That means more story uploads and more time! But, I still have homework. So please be patient with me. How you like the story so far? Thanks for reading, vote, follow and comment your thoughts! Oh, and comment your favorite type of chocolate, for fun! -Tabi

Ivy's Boarding School For Girls - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now