Chapter 2

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Lucy gawked at me while Lily and her sidekicks sashayed away, laughing and flipping their hair. I just glared at them with my sticky hair annoying my forehead. I raced to the washroom, blinking back tears.

I heared two voices screaming, "Beth! Wait!" And the other, "Bethany! I'm sorry!"

I didn't look back. I was frustrated, angry, confused, sad. I just ran inside a toilet and squat down, crying with a horrid smell of milk and orange juice.

Then I heard some footsteps entering the washroom.

"Beth? Where are you?" A familiar voice asked.

"I'm so sorry, Bethany! Please forgive me!" Another familiar voice apologizing.

"Beth! It's me, Lucy! And Emily is next to me."

I wiped my tears away and finally opened my door. I saw Lucy and Emily with a concerned look on their faces. Lucy had some tears dropping down her cheek, and Emily looked very sad, for some reason.

"Emily? What..what are you doing here?" I stammered, still crying.

"I...I wanted to say sorry," she looked down onto the floor. "I'm sorry for being a drama queen in our dorm earlier, and I'm sorry I made you call me more dramatic than Lily. She..she doesn't like that."

"Doesn't like what? Being called less dramatic?" I asked.

"Yeah. I know it sounds ridiculous," Emily replied.

"So that's why she had a mini food fight with the air and everything landed on you, because she was pissed," Lucy said.

I just looked at both of them sadly. Then Emily hugged me tightly. Soon she pushed back with her hands on my shoulders and said sweetly, "Come on, Bethany. Let's clean you up. We won't let Lily get away with it."

I grinned as she said those words. Then they both grabbed tons of tissue paper and started wiping me. They dabbed a little bit of water every time they wiped it up.

The bell rang but they were still cleaning up.

"Oh no..... Mr Lance is going to kill us!" Emily said.

"Not until we tell him what happened," I said.

So a few minutes later, I was as good as new. I was clean, neat and feeling much more better than usual.

The three of us stepped slowly into Mr Lance's French class with a sad look on our faces. "Why are you three late?" Mr lance said, in a funny French way.

I braved myself and said, "I'm sorry, Mr Lance, I-"

"Mas oui, mademoiselle. I heard about your little, ah, incident in ze cafeteria just now."

"Uh, okay.."

"Now please take a seat, girls."

We all took a seat quickly so we wouldn't waste any time. I saw Lily glaring at us, with a big, fat smirk on her face. I tried to ignore her just by looking at the awkward French words on the board.


I was waiting outside Principal Ivy's office. Along with Emily and Lucy, they were so nice to actually accompany me to face Principal Ivy. Suddenly we heard a sharp voice saying "Young lady, I do not tolerate this kind of behavior in my boarding school!"

"But, mom! She was pissing me off!" Another voice shrieked.

I realized it was Lily and her mom - Principal Ivy - arguing. Emily nudged me to stop me from eavesdropping their little conversation. I just shrugged at her and whispered, "Sorry."

Soon, Vice Principal Nina invited us in. We stepped in shakily, but we can't help but notice the anger on Lily's face, and the disappointment on Principal Ivy's face. As soon as Principal Ivy noticed us, she smiled warmly and offered us some seats in front of us.

She shut her palms together and took a deep breath. The three of us just waited for a word from Principal Ivy. Then she finally opened her eyes and stared at the four us - Me, Lucy, Emily and of course, Lily - with her eyebrows facing upwards.

"Bethany Howard, tell me," Principal Ivy began. "What did Lily do to you in the cafeteria? The whole story, please."

"She...she um..." I stammered.

"Yeah, Howard. What did I do to you?" Lily interrupted hastily.

Principal Ivy shushed her immediately to let me talk. Lily crossed her arms on her chest and turned around to face the window.
"She.." I sighed for a second. "She threw my breakfast onto me. Because I said Emily was more dramatic than her. She poured my cereal and juice on me, then threw my bacon and eggs onto the ground."

Lily scoffed and shrieked, "The bacon and eggs don't look so appetizing, anyway!"

"That's very juvenile of you young lady, who even wants to be the most dramatic in the whole school?" Principal Ivy said to her daughter.

"Well, me! By acting like that, I get what I want, where I want, when I want it." Lily whined.

She is such a brat.

Vice Principal Nina dragged Lily outside so she won't cause any more trouble.

"I see," Principal Ivy said, nodding to herself as she looked at Emily, who was chewing on her bottom lip.

"My daughter has changed a lot since you came here, Miss Howard. May I know why?"

"I don't know, Principal Ivy. She just..changed."

Principal Ivy sighed and she put her forehead into her hands. "Well, then. Girls, do not mess with my daughter, or else she is going to get kicked out by myself. I do not want to let that happen. Now, go."

"Thank you for your time," I said. Once the three of us were outside, we just looked at each other, remembering Principal Ivy's words, and then just laughed and hugged each other.

Hi, guys! Like my second chapter? Since I had so much free time this month, I decided to write a few more chapters. So thank you all for reading, and vote if you liked it! ~Tabi

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