Chapter 14

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Later, I walked by a small shop that said, 'Scents of Humor'.

a/n: Haha, get it? Sense of Humor? Never mind.

It was a candle shop. You could already smell the beautiful flowery fragrance even if you are 20 feet away.
The scents gave me the urge to step in the shop for a while.
Once I entered the shop, I could smell the most calming scents in the air. The room was decorated with flowers and small decor, while the candles lit up the dark room.
A lady walked to me and said, "Welcome, dear. How may I help you?"
Her voice was calm and gentle, and she had a sweet smile with her twinkling blue eyes. I immediately liked her.
"No thanks," I said politely. "I'm just here to smell some scents."
"Alright. If you need anything, call me."
Then she walked away quietly.
I walked through a shelf which says '70% off' and thought it was a huge sale. There were three candles there, each of them said, 'Limited Edition' so I had to smell it.
I picked up the first one. It said, 'Eve'. Eve is the first woman created by God. She was a beautiful woman with a strong personality. Just like the candle. The candle smelled like flowers, along with
some beautiful scents of trees and nature. This candle was very nice to use if you are a nature lover.
The next one said 'Shy'.
I picked up the unusually shaped candle and smelled the most unusual scent. It smelled beautiful yet weird at the same time. "That one is supposed to be passionate to shy people," the lady suddenly pointed out. "Obviously you're not a shy person if you can't smell it right."
"Oh," I chuckled. "Okay."
I placed it down carefully and picked up the last one.
The last one was shaped like a small candle was attached to the nectar of a rose.
It read, 'Beauty'.
I immediately fell in love with it. It was very calming, very suitable for stress relief activities, and very cheap. Without thinking, I opened my purse and paid the price. I brought the candle in the box carefully to school. I could still smell the calming scents in the shop.
When I opened my dorm room, Emily was on her bed, reading 'Divergent'.
She was listening to Taylor Swift's 1989 album, which was so loud, she couldn't hear me walk in the room.
"Emily!" I shouted.
"Hmm..hmm..hmm.." she hummed.
I took out her headphones and closed her book. "EMILY!"
"Have you finished your assignment?"
"Oh gosh, no!!" She quickly ran over to her desk and threw her books out. She tied her hair and grabbed a pen and starting writing her assignment. She was sweating like crazy. I immediately opened the candle box and lit it up. She quickly calmed down and starting breathing again.
"What scent is that?" She swooned over it. "It's heaven!"
"Beauty," I answered. "From Scents of Humor."
"What do you mean from your sense of humor?"
"Haha, no, it's a candle shop."
"Oh. Okay."
Soon, it was time for dinner.
Since it was Friday, the cafeteria was closed. So we want to either cook our own dinner or go out. Emily was feeling very relaxed that day, so she wanted stay in. I just poured a soothing hot cup of Mocha for her with her very favorite Spaghetti-O's.
I just cooked some instant noodles and we watched a movie together with our beloved beanbags.
When the movie was done, it was already 8:30 pm. Emily yawned. "Gosh, I need to close my eyes like seriously!"
"Haha," I grinned. Finally she is going to take a proper nap.
"Good night," she said as she tucked into the bag.
But I was still awake. I decided to go to Lucy's room for some fun.

Hi! Another quick upload. :D Btw, thank you all for 700 views today! Thank you all for your love and support. Thanks for reading, vote, follow and comment your thoughts! :) -Tabi

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