Chapter 27

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✨I am writing a imagine book and I have put out 2 chapters so far✨plz check it out if u don't mind❤️

Billie: 'ah that's where ur wrong mamas u see u do everything for me. And u don't even realise....I have been in a rlly dark place for the past year and until I met u I felt like I was in heaven. Every day I see u u make me smile, laugh and keep me alive basically' She giggles while trying to keep her tears in. U can't believe what she just said. Tears were already running down ur face but they fell down even more now. U smile at her while rubbing her arm. About 20 mins pass and ur at AandE. Billie jumps out and comes to ur side of the door and opens it and helps u get out. She holds ur hand tight coz she knew ur anxiety was bad atm. She mumbled sweet things into ur ear like 'I'm here baby dw' 'it's ok' 'don't cry mamas' 'shhh I'm not going anywhere' 'ur so strong baby' 'U can do this' u get to the doors and Billie goes over to the desk and talks to the person at the desk. U can't hear what she says coz all of a sudden everything starts to get blurry and everyone starts to go quiet. Everything goes blank.

U wake up to a bright light and sound of a beeping noise. U feel someone moving hair out of ur face and rubbing ur head. Billie: 'shhh babygirl it's ok' y/n: 'bil- Billie?' Billie: 'yes baby it's me' she pecked ur cheek. And hear her  call the nurse. U try and sit up but u feel someone push ur shoulders down gently. And the bed starting to move. All u can see is the ceiling and a hand touched  ur hand. It was Billie and she says 'babygirl there going to take u somewhere but I can't go so I'm gonna wait outside' u don't want Billie to leave she makes u feel safe. y/n: 'no no no come with me! Don't leave me! Billie!' U hear Billie cry but it gets fainter and fainter. U start to panic. U shout 'Billie! Billie! No no no! Plzz Billie!' Ur throat starts to hurt again. Ur crying gets heavier and heavier. U hear a nurse say 'shh it's ok she's just outside' u get tired and tired  by the muinte. U end up falling to sleep. U wake up to hear the beeping noise again. U remember ur throat so u touch it and u feel something like cotton. U look around for a mirror but instead u see Billie fast asleep in the chair next to u with her head on ur shoulder. She's snoring a little. Her hand is laid on ur hand. U sit up trying not to wake her up. But she wakes up.

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