Chapter Three

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Hermione looked over at Arabella to see how she was doing when she noticed her eyes glued to someone, she tried to figure out who it was when she realised she was staring at the new DADA professor.
Professor R.J Lupin.

Hermione waved her hand in front of Ari's face which caused her to snap out of whatever trance she was in. "You fancy him don't you." She said, giggling at her words. "What! Ew no!" She said.. with a long pause she continued by saying... "he's pretty cute tho isn't he." Hermione rolled her eyes at you which earned Rons attention. "Oh no what did you do Ari" he said sounding concerned. Which made Hermione and Ari giggle to themselves. Later on in the evening Ari had found McGonagall to ask her about her dorm room and who she was staying with.

She returned to the common room with the news that she was sharing with Hermione, which she was thankful for. She sat down on her bed and started to unpack her clothes. It took her about an hour to do but when she finally did it she was thankful to get it over and done with. She read through her timetable to see what lessons she had tomorrow. And that's when she saw it, those big black letters.. DADA with Professor R.J Lupin.
She became a giggling mess and had to find the PERFECT outfit to wear for tomorrow, of course he was her professor but she still wanted to show him what she was capable of. 

The next morning you woke up and immediately got out of bed to go for a shower. After you showered you dried your hair and put your makeup on, you ran to your drawers and pulled out an outfit and put it on, putting your robe over it.

 After you showered you dried your hair and put your makeup on, you ran to your drawers and pulled out an outfit and put it on, putting your robe over it

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Arabella walked to her first lesson.. potions with professor Snape.
Apparently he wasn't a very nice teacher so she wasn't really looking forward to it. She walked in and sat next to Ron and Hermione. She was talking to Ron when Snape walked in. He turned to her immediately and said.. "scamander i presume" in a sly and cool manner. "You presume correct sir."

He gave her a once over and continued with his lesson, about half way through she got a bit lost with what he meant so she raised her hand. "Sir can you explain it again please just so I definitely understand?" He nodded and did so, making everyone look shocked about the fact he was being kind to her. After the lesson ended Hermione approached her, "why was he being so nice to you?" She said in almost a yell. "I have no idea Mione." She replied with. Shrugging it off like nothing. "And what are you wearing!?" She questioned. Then the look of realisation hit her face. "Oh my god, no Ari no." She said, knowing exactly what Ari wanted to do. "I'm sorry but he's hot" she replied.

Walking to DADA was quite fun with Hermione, she made her laugh a lot. Luckily she was in that class with her too. She entered the room and looked around. There was no professor in sight and all of the students stood there not knowing what to do as there was a lonely wardrobe in the middle of the room. Everyone turned around to the sound of the door closing. And a friendly sounding voice echoed into the room. "Good morning class, as I hope you all know I am Professor Lupin and I will be your defence against the dark arts teacher," he said, he sounded enthusiastic, which was always a good thing in Ari's eyes. "Today we will be a more or less hands on lesson, we will be leading about boggarts." He said while pointing to the wardrobe. After going over what one was and the spell to change its appearance, people were called upon to use the spell on one. After hearing multiple people shout the word "Ridikkulus" it was Ari's turn. She was dreading this, she knew what it would turn into and she dreaded it, so deeply. She stood Infront of the wardrobe and it was opened. And there it was, right in front of her, a full moon. She quickly cast the spell Ridikkulus and stood away from the boggart.

The lesson was coming to an end which she was upset about because she still enjoyed it a lot, when Lupin exclaimed, "everybody pack your things, I will see you again tomorrow, don't be late, you are excused... except for you.." he said looking at Arabella. Lupin waited for everybody to stay behind and then shut the door and locked it. He sat down on a table and said "why the moon?" He said. Looking at her puzzled. "You know anything you say to me in confidence is between us okay?" He added, making her feel at ease. She felt herself welling up, as a singular tear rolled down her cheek. Lupin noticed this and pulled her into a tight hug and said "I think I know why" in a calming voice.

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