Chapter seventeen

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Chapter seventeen- unexpected passing

"SHES NOT THERE!" Yelled Harry to the order. "who's not where Harry?" Asked Sirius. "We needed to see Ari, I wanted to see her, she's gone-" Harry explained. "Harry thought it would be a good idea to sneak past the ministry guards that were outside her room at St Mungos and she wasn't there, I did try and talk them out of their stupid idea." Sirius and molly both looked at each other with the same expression, this was the start of the coming undone of Ari's safety.

Molly wrote a letter to Albus, explaining what had happened and asked him for some advice on what to do, she was in shock, that not only did Harry sneak about, but he saw that Ari was not there.

"Maybes she's been moved to another facility for her safety?" Questioned Sirius. "Or maybe she's woken up," moody grunted. "No that's impossible," said Remus. "It's not impossible, given what she is." Replied Hermione, unsure of what to say, she went into more detail. "I was reading into the things that happened and saw that there is an ancient myth that a witch or wizard is given the power to control fire and electricity, and control pain levels and kill with their mind. It supposedly happens every 1,000 years. It said in the book that.." Hermione paused, "the witch or wizard obtaining the power will die if the power they posses does not become controllable." Hermione looked at the order, taking in there expressions. "But that's only a myth." She said more enthusiastically.

Ari was out at the old barn, she spent her full moons there, but today she was there for a different reason, she focused on a log that had been half cut, as she made the electricity course through her to her finger tips, she sent the electricity through her hands to the log and burnt it to a crisp. She was getting the hang on things now. This is good, maybe this is a good thing. She thought, she continued practicing until she grew tired and headed back to the burrow for dinner, the order had left for urgent business so it was just molly and Ron, "where did you go today Ari?" Ron questioned. "I was practicing controlling my electricity, everything else is under control." She replied. "Show me when we finish dinner, that would be-" "no she won't show you she looks so tired, let the poor girl rest." Molly cut in. Ari giggled and finished her dinner, she slowly headed up the creaking stairs and to her room, she laid on the bed and slowly drifted to sleep.

Ari was awoken to the sense of a dark presence, she looked around in the dark and couldn't see anyone. She heard someone gasping for air so she immediately grabbed her wand. "Lumos,"

Ari looked at the floor to see Bellatrix lestrange, she was bleeding out, looking at Ari with mercy. Ari ran by her side and wrapped her into a tight embrace while she slowly bled out. "I'm so sorry for the wrong doings I've done, and not being there for you as a mother. I love yo-" her words stopped forming as she became stiff.

Ari's tears started to spill as she screamed so loud the Neighbouring houses could hear her. Molly ran in to see what the commotion was, she pulled Ari off of her mother as she watched Ari cry. Ari DiDnT know why it hurt her so bad, she barely knew her, and she was never there. But she was still her mother. Sirius came in first and saw what was happening, he gave Ari a hug and let her cry into his shoulder.

Ari didn't sleep last night. She had moved into Fred and George's room so she wasn't alone, but it pained her so greatly to have seen her mother die right in front of her.

The morning came by slowly, she was alone in the boys room, but she got up and went to her own, she of course had been moved and taken away by the ministry to be buried, but the room brought back tears, it was a fresh wound and it felt like salt had been poured onto it. She got changed quickly and stayed in the twins room.

Molly knocked on the door and entered. "Dear, this probably isn't a good time but I got a letter from the ministry explaining that you don't have to hide anymore. Of course I know you may need a few days, or weeks even, but everyone misses you." Ari looked at her, tears in her eyes, both happy and sad, "I'll be down in just a second," Ari replied, smiling slightly. "Remus is downstairs as well but that won't matter will it?" Molly questioned. Ari shook her head and wiped her eyes, getting ready to go downstairs and see her friends."

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