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Kim Seungmin

I hear my alarm in the morning and quickly jump out of bed. I can barely contain my excitement for a new school year. I head towards my bathroom and I pass my father, who's in the kitchen eating his breakfast. "Oh, good morning father." I say as I bow. "Well, good morning my son, how did you sleep?" A smile appears right on his face and mines. "Oh, I slept excellent."

"That's good son, I have to head out to the company soon so I won't be here when you leave but you'll be alright." He says as he sips on his coffee and starts grabbing his things. "Alright father, have an excellent day at work!" I wave towards him as he opens the door. "Have a good day son." And with that he shuts the door.

What a great way to start the day! I head on the bathroom and decide to take a shower. As I shower I play on my speaker Day6. I even start singing along to the lyrics. I step out of the shower and wrap a towel around my waist and head upstairs. My phone disconnects to my shower speaker and connects to my room speaker. As I start looking through my closet, "You were beautiful" starts playing and I sing to the top of my lungs.

 As I start looking through my closet, "You were beautiful" starts playing and I sing to the top of my lungs

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As the song starts to end I put my outfit on and disconnect my phone to my speaker. I clean my room a little and I make my bed. I head downstairs and I notice I have a few minutes to spare so I tidy the house a little, while humming and singing along to 'Love Again' by Baekhyun. If father heard me singing, he would definitely ground me for doing something non related to school.

I turn around to look at the clock and start grabbing my stuff. I leave my house and make my walk to school. I end up at school pretty early and I decide to go to the library. As I walk towards the library someone trips me and I land flat on my face. "Haha, you should watch where your going!" "Asshole" I mutter silently as I get up. I hear his footsteps stop in his tracks and I turn around to see him look back at me. "What did you just say?" He says as he starts getting closer to me. "N-nothing..." I drop my head down and only focus on my shoes. "That's right, you better." He then turns around and starts walking back to wherever he was headed to.

He was super hot, but seriously what an asshole, I don't ever wanna see him again!


Hwang Hyunjin

"Hey Hyunjin, have you seen my other earring?" I ignore her as I continue to sleep. "Hyunjin...." she opens my door and tries to wake me up. "Hey Hyunjin, we have to go to school today, wake up..." It gets silent all of a sudden until I start getting attacked by a pillow. "HEY!" I wave my arms around trying to block myself getting hit.

"Wake up we have school." Yeji says as she slowly lets go of the pillow. "And also have you seen my earring?" I look at her in disbelief. "Yeji, you just almost murdered me with a pillow and you're still trying to find your earring?!" "SHHHH, quiet, mom is asleep, and stop being so over dramatic." She says as she silents me. "Oh I thought she was staying at the hospital..." I think back to when my mom said she was going to stay the night there.

"She was but dad practically forced her to come home and sleep in her bed, and not worry about him.... so do you know where my earring is?" My thoughts get snapped off as Yeji asks her question for like the 3rd time today. "No I don't know where your earring is." I say as I mock her. "Ugh, okay, get ready because you're driving us." Before I could reject the idea, she shuts the door.

I get up and head towards my closet and start looking for something to wear. I hum to a song that had been stuck in my head for days, and I eventually start to sing out loud. Once I finished singing, I heard clapping. "Hyunjin, you should seriously listen to yourself, you have a voice of a god!" Yeji says as she stands by the doorway. "Yeji, get out I have to change!" She closes my door but not before saying "I'm telling you, you have a gift!" Singing always reminds me of him but no singing isn't for me, so I should shut up.

I look back at my closet again and find a nice outfit to wear.

I put on my outfit and head towards the bathroom me and Yeji share

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I put on my outfit and head towards the bathroom me and Yeji share. I walk in and start doing my hair different ways; debating on which hair style looks better. As I look at my sister's side of the bathroom, I see all of her makeup that she uses. Ugh, she has so much makeup- it's a huge complete waste of money."
I pick up some of her makeup and look at it curiously.

I wonder how I would look with makeup- stop don't think that, that's gross. "You want me to put some on you?" Yeji says as she leans against the doorway. "Uh no, why would I ever want to wear makeup, I'm a guy." I cross my arms, embarrassed that she caught me. "It's not a weird thing Hyunjin, let me just apply a little bit of-" I see her grabbing a brush with some powder on it, and I hesitated, but I stop her. " No thanks, hurry up, I'll be downstairs waiting.." I go downstairs and wait for her outside.

Sooner or later, Yeji walks out of the house with a face full of makeup. "Alright let's go" I say grumpily. We head towards my car and begin our drive to school. " Hyunjin.... can you please be nice this school year.... you know how hard it is being the nice one of the Hwangs" I roll my eyes and laugh a little "Maybe I'll think about it... but I swear if one kid pisses me off, they're done." I shake my head thinking about it.

"Literally me and Chan, always have to stop fights between you and other people." "Oh yeah, I forgot about that Chan dude, probably because you always stop me, and he always stops Ryujin." Yeji shakes her head. "Ugh, don't even mention her name.." She crosses her arms. "I know you guys are like mortal enemies but she's not that bad." She turns around and looks at me in disbelief. "Oh, please, you two are only friends because you both bully people." "Well, you're not wrong about that."

I park my car at the school parking lot and we both get out. "Hey give me your keys." I look at Yeji and immediately start shaking me head. "Why do you need my keys?" "Because I know you, and I know you're going to get detention today, and I would like to get back home and not wait for you." She says with a smile, like she didn't just disrespect me. "Ugh, you're not wrong, here" I drop the keys in her hands and we depart to different ways.

We both arrived at school early since Yeji insisted to. If I didn't have to drive Yeji today, I would've came way later, or not at all. I start walking down the halls and I see a kid start to walk in my direction. He looks like a nerd and I swear I just have the urge to trip him but I'm not gonna, I told Yeji I was gonna play nice.....

Oh fuck it

I bring my foot out and the boy lands flat on his face. "Haha, you should watch where you're going!" I start to walk away until I hear the boy mutter something "asshole" I stop walking and I turn around to see him and he turns his head once he realizes I stopped walking. "What did you say?" I say clearly pissed off, ready to beat him. "N-nothing..." he says as he looks back down at his shoes. What a loser, seriously. "That's right, you better" I turn back around and continue walking.

He was kinda adorable- ew stop, what the fuck Hyunjin, he's a guy.

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