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It was already Friday, the last day to enter the talent show.

Chan arrived at school, with zero sleep. He looked like a walking zombie, entering the school parking lot. The rest were all curious if he was okay.

"Uh, you okay Chan?" Changbin asked, wondering if he should pat his shoulder. "Yup, doing great!" Chan said, as happy as he could be. "Did you get any sleep?" Jisung asked.

"Nope!" Chan said, once again, as happy as he could be. "Chan, I think you should go take a nap," Hyunjin said. "I can't. I'm at school." Chan said, gritting through this teeth.

"Take a nap at the nurse's office," Minho suggested. Chan thought about it but brushed it off immediately. "No, I'm too busy today. Also, tonight we have practice at my house." Chan said, yawning.

Everyone nodded their heads, agreeing. "So, how's the Kimmy situation?" Chan asked, crossing his arms. "She hasn't tried anything but Minho's moving on Sunday," Jisung said. "And Seungmin's moving on Monday!" Felix said, engulfing him in a hug.

"Okay, that's good," Chan said, smiling. "Now, can I speak privately with Changbin and Jisung?" Chan said, walking away from the rest, standing by a tree.

Changbin and Jisung approached Chan, saying goodbye to the others as they were heading into the school. "So, how's the main song going?" Chan asked. "It's.." Changbin and Jisung looked at each other.

"It's going good." They said, in unison. "Alright, also do we have the setlist yet?" Chan asked the two who were surprised. "You said yesterday that you'd take care of it," Jisung said, with Changbin agreeing.

"I did?" Chan asked, making the two nod their heads. "Shit... I forgot I'll work on it tonight. Sorry, it must've slipped my mind." Chan said. "Chan, please go to the nurse's office," Changbin said, patting his shoulder.

"I'll take it into consideration," Chan said, feeling his eyes get droopy. "God, you remind me of a high Felix," Jisung said, giggling. "He does!" Changbin said agreeing with him.

"Do I look that bad?" He asked, trying to wake himself up. "Yes." The two said, once again, in unison. "Okay, I'll take that nap now, bye guys," Chan said yawning, again.

"He works too hard," Jisung said, watching Chan stumble into the school. "You think he already entered us into the talent show?" Changbin said looking at Jisung. Jisung thought to himself for a second.

"Maybe, I'm not too sure."


"Hey, Yuna," Felix said sitting next to Yuna, in the stairwell. "What are you doing here?" Felix asked.

It was lunchtime already and all the students were heading to the cafeteria, Felix as well, until he saw his friend sitting by themselves, alone.

Yuna didn't respond, making Felix worried. "Hey, you okay?" He asked, hearing her sniffle. "What happened?" He asked, hugging her. Yuna hugged Felix almost immediately back.

"Yuna, what's going on?" He asked. Yuna slowly let go of Felix, calming herself down, so she could explain. "Remember when I told you I had a crush on someone?" Yuna asked, making Felix nod his head.

"Well, I thought that person liked me back but I don't think they do," Yuna said, feeling her eyes start to water again. "What makes you think that?" Felix asked, curious about who the person was.

"I think they're dating someone.." Yuna said,  her tears falling down her face again. "What?" Felix, questioned. "How do you know for sure? He asked. "Well, I don't, but I think they are," Yuna said, leaning on Felix's shoulder.

"Who is it?" He asked, making Yuna freeze. "I can't." She said. "Why not?" Yuna thought to herself. Should I? "Because you'll get mad." She said, making Felix scoff. "I promise I will not get mad." He said, reassuring her.

Yuna took a deep breath and looked Felix in the eyes. "It's Chaeryeong."


Chan woke up from his nap, realizing he missed the entire school day.

"Mr. Bang, you need to get up, school's almost over." The nurse said, slightly shaking Chan awake.

Chan opened his eyes, just to close them again from the bright light, that was above him. "Also, your friends are outside waiting for you." The nurse said, leaving the room.

That was a good nap but this is gonna hurt my attendance record...

Chan got up, slowly, still feeling tired, somehow and walked to the waiting room, seeing all his friends.

"Hey, guys," Chan said, waving at them. "You look a little better but are you still tired?" Jeongin asked. "Thanks. I'm okay." He said. "How long have you been here?" Hyunjin asked. "Apparently, the whole day," Chan said, seeing all of their faces go in shock.

"The whole day?! Are you sick or something?" Felix questioned, wondering how someone could sleep so much. "And you didn't wake up once?" Minho asked, making Chan shake his head.

"I guess I was super tired." He said, yawning. "Don't say you're still sleepy," Jisung said, after seeing Chan yawn. "I'm not sleepy. Just tired." He said. "Tired? From sleeping?" Changbin questioned. Chan nodded his head, making the others look at each other, confused.

"Anyways, Chan, have you entered us in the talent show?" Seungmin asked.

Chan lost all color in his face. "Shit," Chan said, running through the hall, feeling the tiredness, leave his body.

He ran as fast as he could, trying to make it to the front office. While running, he bumped into Yeji, who was running as well.

Yeji fell to the ground, making Chan immediately help her get up. "Are you okay?" He asked making Yeji nod her head. "Yes. Thank you, but I have to go." She said, running down the hall, leaving Chan.

Chan shook it off and ran down the same hall, hoping it wasn't too late. He soon caught up to Yeji, running next to her.

"WAIT!" They both yelled out to the person in the front office, grabbing the talent show forms. "I need a form!" Yeji and Chan both said, arriving at the office at the same time.

The staff member looked at the clock seeing that it was too late for them to enter but didn't care. He gave them both a form to fill out, along with a pen and sat there.

Yeji and Chan both took their paper and pen, filling out the form immediately. Once they were done, they handed the person their form, who took it and placed them along with all the other forms, leaving the office.

"So, you're entering the talent show?" Chan asked, making Yeji nod her head. "Yeah, and you're entering the band?" She asked, making Chan nod his head. "What are you gonna do for the talent show?" Chan asked, seeing Yeji smile.

"That's a surprise. You'll have to wait and see us." She said, grinning. "Us?" Chan questioned. Making Yeji nod her head and walk away. "You're not the only one who's got a group." She said, making Chan raise his eyebrow.

"Is this a competition now?" He said making Yeji, cross her arms. "Yes, it is." She said, walking away, leaving Chan scoffing.

It's on.

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