Changbin was sitting outside when he got a text message from the group chat. Chan announced that we have a new member and he's coming to Felix's tonight. Changbin put his phone away and focused back on some lyrics he was writing for a new song.
"I'm so mentally drained from school." Changbin looked up at the voice sitting next to him. He saw Chaeryeong sitting next to him about to start one of her vents. Changbin may have hated this school, but Chaeryeong was probably his only friend that he had. They've known each other for quite a while but Changbin doesn't know anything about the girl outside from school, nor does she for Changbin.
"What's got you so worked up now?" Changbin closed his notebook and shoved it into his backpack. Chaeryeong noticed his notebook and wanted to ask but decided to keep to herself. Since they've been friends for a while, they know each other's limits and boundaries.
"School is just so tiring.." Chaeryeong let out a whine and sighed. Changbin nodded his head in agreement with what she said. "But I haven't talked to you since the new school year started.. how you been." Changbin was taken aback a bit from the sudden change but ignored it. "I've been better, you?"
Chaeryeong and Changbin both were keeping how they were feeling hidden from each other. They may be friends, but they're not people who open up to others so easily. "I've been okay."
The loud ringing of the bell cut them off from their conversation. "Well, see ya!" Chaeryeong waved off to the older and headed inside. I've known her for maybe a year now, but she's still so odd.
Chaeryeong was in class when she saw Felix wandering in the halls. What the hell is he doing? She saw that her teacher was facing the board and quickly slipped out. They never notice her anyway.
She saw her brother sitting outside with a girl? They looked like they were just smoking. Typical Felix. Chaeryeong decided to ignore her brother and was on her way back to class when she bumped into her brother.
"Minho? What are you doing outside of class?" Chaeryeong questioned while rubbing her head. "I should be asking you that." Minho had his backpack on. Is he going somewhere? "I slipped out of class to see Felix." Minho was confused by what she meant by that.
"And why?" Chaeryeong pointed to her brother who was smoking with the girl. "And also do you know who that girl is?" Minho looked at Chaeryeong with a smirk. "Why? You interested in her?" Not everyone knew Chaeryeong's sexuality but her brothers sure did and the same goes for them. "W-what? N-no, I just thought that was his girlfriend.."
Minho giggles a little at his sister's nervousness. "I think that's Shin Yuna. His best friend?" Chaeryeong suddenly knew exactly who he was talking about. Felix mentioned her a couple of times. She's cute... "Oh..."
"Hold up, why are you outside of class?" Chaeryeong turned around and faced her brother. "Oh shit, you just reminded me! I have to go meet the coach about practice!" Minho left running through the halls making a swift left at the end.
Chaeryeong was about to head back to class when she saw a poster on the wall. Huh, dance lessons......Nah. Chaeryeong ignored the paper and slipped back into class, but she couldn't stop thinking about how that was her first time seeing Yuna even though Felix has talked about her before. She ignored her thoughts and continued writing down notes of the lesson.
Minho had just left the coach and was now heading back to class. "Hi, Minho!" Minho turned around to his name being called and saw the one and only Shin Ryujin.
"Hell no. I'm not talking to you." Minho turned back around and started walking. Ryujin rushed to his side and started walking alongside him. "Oh come on, you can't still be mad at me for that.." Minho sighed. "I'm not anymore!" Ryujin tried to hold back her laughter. "Okay, sure but can you do me another favor?"
Minho looked at her and scoffed. "You dare to ask me for another favor when the first one got me detention? No." Minho started walking a little faster than before.
"Pleaseeeeeee!" Ryujin started begging and pulling on Minho's arm. "No. Get someone else to do your dirty work. I'm not getting in between you and Yeji's war." Ryujin rolled her eyes and shoved Minho a little before leaving. "Fine, I'll find someone else!" She said lastly before turning the corner. Minho found Ryujin's pettiness hilarious while heading back to class.
It was the end of the day and Hyunjin was hurrying up because he had to meet with the guys outside and walk to Felix's house with them. He was picking up his stuff when a little drawing fell out of his pocket. He picked it up when he looked at it curiously and confused. Where is this from.... oh. He had remembered this was Seungmin's drawing.
I should probably give this to him. Hyunjin checked the clock and figured he still had enough time. The first location Hyunjin checked was the library and there he was. Seungmin was getting ready to pack his stuff when Hyunjin stopped him. "Hey, Seungmin!" Seungmin stopped in his tracks and looked up to see Hyunjin walking towards him.
"What do you want now?" Seungmin rolled his eyes and continued to pack his stuff. "I wanted to return this to you." Hyunjin was a little hurt by the younger's actions but he wouldn't let that show. Seungmin was caught off guard when he saw his drawing that he had lost about a week ago. He reached out for it and put it into his pocket. "How'd you know this was mine?" Seungmin questioned.
"I saw you drop it like last week and I remembered it was yours." Seungmin was shocked that not only did Hyunjin not throw it away or rip it but that he remembered to return it. "Wow, I'm surprised you didn't throw it away or something... thanks." Hyunjin laughed a little and put his arms up. "What can I say... I'm a new man." Seungmin giggled a little from Hyunjin's words. Hyunjin smiled a little when he heard his giggle. Cute.
"Yeah right.." "No it's true, I've changed for the better." Seungmin didn't believe Hyunjin, not a single bit. "Yeah, I'll believe it when I see it." Hyunjin thought of something in the spur of the moment. "I'll prove it to you." Seungmin was a little intrigued with what Hyunjin had to say. "How?" Seungmin decided to play along.
"Come with me." Seungmin looked at him with a confused look. "What do you mean? Where? Now?" Hyunjin rolled his eyes and grabbed Seungmin's hand and pulled him out of the library. "We're going with the band, actually we're going to Felix's." Seungmin yanked his arm back and was even more confused than before. Hyunjin stopped walking once he didn't feel Seungmin's hand in his.
"Wait, since when did you get in the band? And why are we going to his house? And who's going? I didn't even agree to be in the band.. and-" Seungmin was cut off when Hyunjin went closer and put his finger on Seungmin's lips to signal him to be quiet. "Seungmin, you talk a lot. I will answer all of your questions on our way to them, we're running late."
Seungmin and Hyunjin we're staring at each other taking in every feature. Hyunjin felt heat rise to his cheeks and quickly grabbed Seungmin's hand and started heading towards the guys. Seungmin was still in shock that he was that close to him. He felt himself blushing but quickly ignored it. You're not falling for the straight one, Seungmin.
On the way to the group, Hyunjin would answer all of Seungmin's questions and sometimes they would get off topic but quickly revert to what was said before. They finally saw the guys and met up with them. "Guys this is Hyunjin....... and Seungmin?" Chan said a bit confused on why Seungmin was there.
"Oh, we got two for one" Everyone turned to Changbin confused by his joke. "You know like we were supposed to get one new member but we got two...?" They all looked at him with confused looks but decided to drop it, except for Felix who was cracking up. "Anyways I brought Seungmin because why not." Everyone shrugged their shoulders and was happy anyways. "The more the merrier, now we just need one more," Jisung said.
"Hold up, I never said I was joining." Everyone suddenly got sad expressions drawn on their faces. "Wait really?" Hyunjin probably had the saddest expression, he was even pouting. Seungmin thought he looked too cute so he tried to look away from him but his eyes kept drawing back to him. "I- what if you guys can convince me?" Hyunjin and the rest's moods went up and all agreed.

Off Key
FanfictionJisung, the new kid Minho, the jock Chan, the nice popular guy Felix, the stoner Changbin, the emo Jeongin, the anime geek Seungmin, the nerd Hyunjin, the mean popular guy What happens when they all meet each other in detention and share the same pa...