Jisung walks into his new school and wanders through out the halls, searching for his classes. "Hey, are you lost?" Jisung turns around to see a long blonde haired girl with a backpack hanging over her shoulder. "Oh yea, I'm new to the school." Jisung says scratching the back of his neck, embarrassed.
"Oh, well let me give you a formal introduction and tour." The girl bows "My name is Hwang Yeji, and welcome to JYP High!" Jisung gives her a friendly smile in return and a bow. "My name is Han Jisung." Yeji gives him a smile. "Follow me." They both start walking down the halls while Yeji introduces all the classes and the teachers.
Suddenly Yeji stops walking causing Jisung to bump into her slightly. Yeji turns around and looks at Jisung with curious eyes. "So, what clique are you joining?" Jisung looks back at her a bit confused. "Um, I don't really know yet.." Jisung says trailing off. "Oh, well that's fine, but I have to get going now, you can find your classes, right?" Jisung gives Yeji a wave, thanking her and letting her go.
After Jisung's and Yeji's departure, Jisung starts to look for his classes again. Damn, where did she say the music class was? Jisung starts thinking long and hard until his thoughts get interrupted by the bell. Oh shit
Jisung panics and runs down the hallways in hopes of finding the music room. After 5 minutes of running, Jisung arrives and is 10 minutes late. Jisung walks in and all eyes are on him. "Do you know what time it is?" The teacher asks. Don't say it Jisung, Don't say it..... "Time for you to get a watch?"
Everyone starts laughing but once the teacher looks at all the students, they quiet down. "Oh so you think you're funny, well, you know what is funny.. detention, now sit" Jisung doesn't even bother to argue, knowing that that'll get him no where.
Minho decides to head to the gym to work on basketball. He has been rusty since he hasn't played all summer. After playing a couple rounds, he hears the gym doors open. Minho hears boots clacking on the gym floor and immediately knows who it is. "What do you want Ryujin?" Minho says not paying any attention to her.
"Wow, is that anyway to greet your best friend?" Ryujin says sarcastically. "Haha, very funny, now what the hell do you want?" Ryujin crosses her arms and rolls her eyes. "I need a favor..." Minho looks at her and rolls his eyes. "And why the hell do you need me, just go use that one Hwang dude." Minho returns back to his basketball and shoots one through the hoop.
"You mean Hyunjin?" She looks at him puzzled. "Oh, is that his name?" Minho looks like he ponders for a second but immediately gives up after. "Yes that's his name, and I need you because you're the only one who can get this job done." Ryujin says as she walks back to the benches and sits.
"Well then what do I get in return?" Ryujin gives him a smirk. "A chance to sleep with me.." Minho and Ryujin make eye contact.
They both start busting out laughing. "Ah, Ryujin, you always were too funny!" Minho says holding his stomach as he can barely contain his laughter. Ryujin crying from all the laughter wipes her tears away and continues. "No, but I'll give you weed?"
Minho stops his laughter and looks at Ryujin uninterested. "Um, you have the wrong Lee, I think Felix would take this offer gladly.." Ryujin sighs. "Oh my god, Minho you're very difficult... I'll give you whatever, can you just do me this favor.... pleaseeeeeeee?!" Ryujin looks at Minho with a fake pout and puppy eyes.
After contemplating, Minho sighs. "Ugh, fine." Minho rolls his eyes while Ryujin grabs his arm and jumps up and down. "Yay, okay so what I need you to do is.. when you go to lunch, pour your food all over Yeji." Ryujin finishes with a bright smile. "Seriously, that was all?" Minho says so confused.
"Why don't you get the one who actually bullies people, that Sam dude.." Ryujin smacks Minho's head with the palm of her hand. "Dumbass, he's her brother, I may be good friends with him but he won't bully his own sister for me... and it's Hyunjin, you idiot!" She says loudly, in which results another smack on the head.
"Ow, okay okay, I'll do it." Minho says returning to his basketball that he had forgotten about. "Thank you Minhoooooooooo!" Ryujin says loudly as she skips through the gym to the door. "Yeah, yeah whatever.." Minho mumbles.
It was currently lunch time and Hyunjin had just got done beating some random student up, and of course, the student was escorted to the Nurse's office by Yeji.
Hyunjin walks into the cafeteria; that is outside and sits with some of the schools gangsters. Hyunjin wasn't a gangster himself and never wanted to be in a gang but he still hung out with them during some school hours. He was sitting on the table with his eyes closed, peacefully until he heard his sister yelling.
Hyunjin opened his eyes in a panic and rushed over to his sister. He noticed some jocks leaving while holding in their laughter. That made Hyunjin's anger go through the roof. He was quickly brought back to his sister's attention once she started grabbing napkins and walking to the girls restroom.
Hyunjin followed her behind and once Yeji entered the girls bathroom, Hyunjin didn't hesitate to walk in as well, not caring who was in there or if he got in trouble. Yeji was grabbing more napkins while trying to clean herself meanwhile Hyunjin was leaned against the door.
"What happened?" Hyunjin questioned his sister all frantically. "Fricking Lee Minho happened.. he poured his food all over me and I don't know wh-" suddenly Yeji's eyes got furious. "What?" Hyunjin asks. "Ugh, that bitch.." Yeji says as she slams her fist on one of the stalls. Suddenly Hyunjin puts the pieces together and immediately knows who she's referring to. "Ryujin.." they both say in sync. "Don't worry I'll handle it.." Hyunjin says leaving the restroom, not giving Yeji the option to stop him.
Hyunjin walks through the halls, hoping to find Ryujin. He finds Ryujin sitting on the stairs on her phone, unbothered. Hyunjin walks over to her and yanks the phone out of her hands. Ryujin stays unbothered and looks up at Hyunjin slowly and sighs. "Hello, Hyunjin, didn't see you there.." she says with grin. Hyunjin rolls his eyes and sits next to Ryujin on the stairs. "Ryujin, do you mind explaining to me why the hell you told some jock to pour his food on my sister?" Ryujin looks at him with an exaggerated shocked face.
"What you think I told a jock to pour food on your sister... I could never.." Ryujin says with a smirk. "Haha, Ryujin... seriously what is your problem with Yeji!" Hyunjin says as he crosses his arms and gets more angry. "We have nothing against each other..... we're just mortal enemies that want to kill each other all the time.. that's all." Hyunjin sighs and grabs Ryujin's phone and tosses it to her.
"I literally cannot stand both of you guys attacking each other every fucking 5 seconds.." Ryujin ignores Hyunjin's words and gets up. "Well I'm skipping school, wanna join?" Ryujin says as she pops a gum in her mouth and makes a bubble. Hyunjin gets up and pokes Ryujin's bubble. "Nah, ima stay.." Ryujin shrugs and walks off. "Suit yourself!" She says as Hyunjin sees her walk through the doors.
"Attention, can Lee Minho please come to the front office, thank you!" Hyunjin hears on the intercom but pays zero attention and just walks back to lunch.

Off Key
FanfictionJisung, the new kid Minho, the jock Chan, the nice popular guy Felix, the stoner Changbin, the emo Jeongin, the anime geek Seungmin, the nerd Hyunjin, the mean popular guy What happens when they all meet each other in detention and share the same pa...