"So, thank you for bringing me home." Jisung felt a bit awkward, not knowing what to say. "It's no problem," Minho said giving him a reassuring smile. Minho was curious of the younger. He knew so much, but yet so little.
"Give me your phone."
Minho was surprised. "Why?" Jisung grabbed the older's phone and put his phone number in it. "For my phone number. I want to convince you to join the band." Minho put his phone in his pocket and grabbed Jisung's phone. He entered his number then handed it to him. "Alright."
Jisung couldn't help but smile at the older. Minho found Jisung's smile so, so, so "pretty.." Jisung face grew red and confused. Was he talking to me? "W-what'd you say?" Minho immediately mentally face palmed himself. "I- the y-your house is really pretty, yeah." Jisung frowned a little but shook it off. "Ah, thanks, but goodnight and thanks." Jisung's hand started going to the car door when he was pulled back.
He turned to see Minho's hand around his wrist. "I'll join." Jisung felt relief, oddly but happy overall. "Really?" Minho smiled at Jisung's happy expression. He doesn't know why he said he'll join, but the younger wanted him to be in it so badly, so he joined for him.
You don't even know him that well, but you made a huge decision because of him? Lee Minho, are you okay?
"Yeah, but I'm still keeping your number."
Changbin looked around the room in shock. "Oh my god, Felix, you have everything for the band." Changbin was in awe. This was probably his dream room. He turned to see Felix with a sad smile. Felix was trying his hardest to have a bright expression but simply failed. "Felix, what's wrong?"
"Nothing, just memories.." Changbin saw his smile disappear more and more. He figured he probably doesn't want to talk about it. "You don't have to talk about it." Felix smiled to himself after hearing that. "Thanks.." Changbin reached for the younger's hand and brought him out of the room.
They started going back to Felix's room. Felix was confused about why they were heading back to his room. Didn't he want to see the garage? "Changbin, where are we going?" The older turned around and looked at Felix. Felix saw Changbin look at him with caring eyes. "We're going to sleep. You don't have to force yourself to show me the garage. Show me when you're ready."
They continued walking while Felix was amazed at how incredibly right the older is. He couldn't help but admire him. He's right, I need to wait. What's the rush? "Thank you."
The next morning was tough for Hyunjin and Yeji. They had to go to school, yet they both just had a headache.
"Hello? Earth to dumbass?" Hyunjin broke out of his thoughts and saw Ryujin waving her hand in front of him. He pushed her hand away from his face. "What." "You're acting weird, what's wrong?" Hyunjin scoffed a little. "Oh my, the Shin Ryujin caring about my feelings?" Hyunjin put a hand on his chest, looking as if shocked. "Shut up, I don't care about people, but you're being weird and it's annoying me."
Ryujin slightly shoved his shoulder, as Hyunjin was laughing. Hyunjin felt kinda grateful towards Ryujin. I mean, she was constantly fighting with his sister and in love with her? He was still confused about that but he still felt grateful. She was his best friend. "Hey, thanks" Ryujin made a disgusted face. "Ew, what did I do."
"Ha ha ha, very funny, but nothing just, thanks." Ryujin saw a Hyunjin give her a sad smile. "Hey, don't go soft on me now. I don't want you to turn into your sister." The mere thought of Yeji sent shivers down her spine. "Like you wouldn't like that," Hyunjin said slightly muttering to himself even though Ryujin heard. "What is that supposed to mean!"
"What? I can't hear you, anyway bye!" Hyunjin said while running as fast as he can. "OH MY GOD, I AM NOT IN LOVE WITH YOUR SISTER, YOU IDIOT!" Hyunjin was long gone but still heard her. He chuckled to himself and decided to head to class. Shocker.
"You're in love with who?" Ryujin knew immediately whose voice it was. "I am not in love with anyone, and if I was it'd be none of your concern, now what the hell do you want!" Ryujin said still facing the opposite way of who was talking. "Ryujin when is this fighting going to end! I am so sick and tired of this kindergarten bullshit, just because of some shit that happened between us, that we don't even remember?!"
"You may not but I do..." Ryujin said as quietly as possible. "Look," Ryujin turned around and started walking towards Yeji. "I don't like the fighting either, but you're just annoying as hell to the point where I want to fight you." Yeji rolled her eyes. She was done. "You know, I don't know what my brother sees in you. I don't understand how you guys are genuinely friends. I hate you so much, with my entire heart!" Yeji stormed off, pissed as hell. Why is she so fucking difficult!
Meanwhile, Ryujin was left in the same spot, sad. "I l-hate you too..." Ryujin walked off and roamed the hallways. I'm sorry...
Seungmin was in the library, advancing in some work that he had from different classes. "Hi, Seungmin," Lia said as she sat down. "Hi, Jisu." Lia glared at him with devil eyes. Seungmin smirked, he knew how much she didn't like to be called that. "Alright, hi Lia." Lia smiled to herself and brought her lunch out.
Seungmin put his homework back in his bag and brought out his lunch. This is what he and Lia did every day at school since middle school. "So, how's that crush on Ryujin going?" Seungmin gave Lia a smirk while Lia put her sandwich down and crossed her arms and pouted.
"Terrible. I hate her." Lia has been having a crush on Ryujin since they met in middle school. Ryujin only uses Lia for homework, and they would have some interactions and sometimes Ryujin would act like a total bitch to her but Lia's heart still fluttered for her.
"I don't know what to do Seungmin, she's the school's bully along with Hyunjin, and I've been having this crush since like forever!" Lia put her head down on the table. "Yes I know, and you still haven't made a move." "What do you mean to make a move? Pretty sure she's not gay nor bi, nor anything else." Lia shoved a grape in her mouth.
"Also isn't she dating that Hyunjin dude." Seungmin went pale. "I'm pretty sure they're not dating." Seungmin took a sip of his water. "Well, they look like they're dating..." Seungmin heard the sadness in Lia's voice. He never understood why she had a crush on such a mean person. I've been telling her to lose feelings but she never listens and always says 'it's not that easy.' How hard can it be?
"I think they would never date, cause of Yeji. If Hyunjin brought her home, those girls would tear each other apart." Seungmin felt his phone vibrate in his pocket and saw a message from Hyunjin. He giggled to himself after reading what the boy sent. Lia looked Seungmin up and down, seeing him giggle after reading a message. "Who just texted you?" Lia took a drink of her soda.
Lia spits out her soda and started coughing resulting in her face turning red. "Are you good?"
"No I'm dying and my friend doesn't care."
"Then why are you dying in the first place?" Lia was so close to slapping the shit out of him. "I was dying because you said you're texting Hyunjin."Seungmin froze. None of the boys were supposed to know each other. They decided at Felix's house that they keep the band a secret.
"Yeah, I'm his tutor." The bell rang, signaling students to head back to class. "Well, bye." Seungmin ran fast so Lia didn't interrogate him regarding Hyunjin.
Lia sighed to herself as she saw Seungmin running away "Ah Seungmin..... you've fallen too.."

Off Key
FanfictionJisung, the new kid Minho, the jock Chan, the nice popular guy Felix, the stoner Changbin, the emo Jeongin, the anime geek Seungmin, the nerd Hyunjin, the mean popular guy What happens when they all meet each other in detention and share the same pa...