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Felix was sitting outside, smoking, when he heard his brother's name get called on the intercom. What did he do now... "Dude, why is your brother going to office?" Felix's thoughts get interrupted when Yuna asks him a question. Felix passed the weed to Yuna, while talking. "I don't know.... hey, I'll be right back." Yuna nods and Felix gets up and makes his journey to the front office.

While Felix was walking, a teacher walked passed Felix and got hit with a scent she didn't like very much. "Stop" Felix stops in his tracks and starts to panic when he realizes that the teacher could smell the weed. He turns around and gives her an awkward smile.

The teacher puts her hand out in front of Felix. "Hand it over." "Miss, I have no idea what you're talking about." Felix you dumbass she obviously knows. "Don't play dumb Mr. Lee.. hand it over" the teacher says firmly. Felix sighs and reaches into his pocket and pulls out a bag that contained the weed.

The teacher grabs it and turns around and starts walking down the hall. Before she opens the door, she turns back to Felix and gives him a little shout. "I'll see you in detention Mr. Lee!" And with that the teacher leaves the hallway and enters a classroom.

"What the-" Felix just sighs and continues back to the front office, until the bell rings, signaling that it's time for class. "This is some bullshit.." Felix mumbles as he starts heading to his class.


Seungmin was sitting in class, writing down notes and following the lesson, raising his hand every 3 seconds. Hyunjin sat right behind Seungmin and was tossing paper balls at him every 5 seconds. It was really starting to piss Seungmin off. "Alright class, who can tell me what c equal in c-20=4-3c?" Seungmin raises his hand confidently.

"Yes, Seungmin?" Seungmin drops his hand down and a smug look on his face appears. "c=6" "Good job, now..." the teacher says as he continues. Hyunjin rolls his eyes dramatically and throws another paper ball at Seungmin. He rolls his eyes and continues writing.

10 minutes pass and Seungmin can't take it anymore. Hyunjin throws another paper ball. This is probably his 10th paper ball he's thrown at him. "OH MY GOD, CAN YOU FUCKING STOP!" Seungmin shouts a little too loudly at Hyunjin. "I'm bored" Hyunjin crosses his arms and throws another one while talking to Seungmin. "YOU ASS-" "SEUNGMIN" the teacher interrupts Seungmin and Hyunjin's bickering. "Both of you.. detention."

"But sir I was-" the teacher glares at Seungmin and he shuts his mouth. And as if on time, the bell rings. Everyone starts packing their stuff and Seungmin is the first out of class. Hyunjin stays behind picking up his stuff slowly. He sees on Seungmin's desk, a piece of paper with a drawing on it. It's probably Seungmin's drawing.. a smile crept onto Hyunjin's face while looking at it.

I'll give it to him later.... that's not a weird thing to do or anything..


Jeongin was sitting in class with his notebook open, writing down notes, well that's what the teacher thought. In reality, Jeongin was reading his manga in secret. Every time when something would happen in the manga, he just couldn't contain his emotions.

"What the fuck!?" Jeongin said as he whispered yelled. Jeongin was trying his hardest to be quiet, but wasn't really succeeding. Suddenly the whole class got quiet, and so did Jeongin. He looked up from his manga and saw all eyes on him.

"Do you have something to share with the class, Mr. Yang?" The teacher crossed her arms and legs while glaring at Jeongin. "No ma'am.." Jeongin quickly closed his manga and put it in his notebook, trying to be discreet. "I think you do... why don't you share with the class?" The teacher said as she kept on pushing Jeongin. "No thank you.." Jeongin kept his head low.

"If you don't share, then you'll get detention.. is that what you want?" Jeongin kept quiet, he was too embarrassed to speak, his face was red like a tomato. "Fine, detention Mr. Yang.. now back to the lesson..." Jeongin gave a sigh of relief when all the students faced toward the teacher. He was okay with detention, at least he can finish his manga there.

The bell rang and Jeongin left class. While walking down the hall he saw a jock walking down the hall. I think that's Lee Minho? Jeongin questioned in his head. He could tell he was clearly pissed and looking for someone? Whatever it was, Jeongin could care less about it. Jeongin's eyes followed him until he left out the door. Jeongin turned around to make his way to his next class, when he bumped heads with someone.

"Hey, I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going, are you okay?" Jeongin rubbed his head and looked at the person he bumped into. "No, you're all good.." Jeongin continued rubbing his head as he walked passed the boy. Damn, I hit my head hard... I should go to the nurse.


Changbin was sitting on the rooftop, with his earbuds, listening to music. He was asleep and hadn't heard the bell ring. He had been on the rooftop for hours and hadn't attended not one class. Changbin didn't mean to, he just fell asleep on accident. He woke up and checked his phone for the time. His eyes widened and he started getting all of his stuff together.

Changbin was flying through the halls until he was stopped in his tracks by the principal. "Mr. Seo, now, why are you running in the halls?" "Well, sir I-" Changbin was interrupted by the principal lifting his finger, and signaling him to shh. "And, why were you absent in all of your classes?" "Well the reason why-" The principal shook his head.

"Mr. Seo, I do not want to hear any of your excuses. You will serve in detention today, and I expect you to now be missing any more of your classes. Now be gone." Changbin sighed and just went along to his class. I fucking hate him. The dude didn't even give me the chance to explain...

Changbin opened the door to his class and all eyes went to him. "How nice of you to join us Mr. Seo.." Changbin gave the teacher an awkward smile and went past her to go to his seat. While walking past her, Changbin got hit with a huge smell of weed. Ugh I seriously fucking hate this school.


While Chan was in the hallway running some errands for his teacher, he bumped into the principal, standing in the hallway. "Oh, how nice to see you Chan!" The principal said with excitement. "Oh hello sir." Chan bowed and was going to keep on walking when the principal stopped him.

"Chan before you go, I have a favor to ask." "Yes, sir what is it?" Chan was eager to know what the principal wanted from him. "I wanted to know if you can watch over the students in detention." Chan was a bit hesitant with his request but thought to himself... what's the worst that could happen?

"Yes, of course sir." "Excellent, now off you go." Chan went back into to doing his errands, meanwhile, the principal walked back into his office and took a phone call. "Hello?......oh yes.....I'll have the money......who's in it?..... alright well, we'll just have to wait..... yeah, bye."

What the principal didn't know is that someone was recording.

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