It was the end of the day. Chan was waiting for Jeongin outside, at the front of the school. Chan was going to give him a ride to the school then drop him off at home after they were done. Chan's mood was dim and gloomy. Since he had already helped out at the school before, he was not looking forward to it. "Chan!" Chan turned around to see a bubbly Jeongin waving at him.
Chan's mood suddenly shot up. Seeing Jeongin in a happy mood made a smile appear on Chan's face. "Hi!" Chan just wanted to squeeze the younger and give him kisses- no, no Chan, stop yourself. "Hi Jeongin, you ready to go?" Jeongin nodded his head and the pair soon went on their way to the school.
Jisung stayed after school. He wanted to use the music room to work on a song he had been working on. Whenever he would be finished with it, he would text the band so that they could hopefully try it out.
He sat down at a piano and took out his notebook.
'Hello Stranger, I'm getting more and more addicted'
'Pulled pulled pulled close'
Jisung started writing more lyrics as more and more popped into his head. He had texted the group chat beforehand asking everyone if they can sing, resulting in everyone responding yes. Felix said no but Jisung already knew he could sing.
He also texted the group chat letting everyone know Minho was joining. Everyone was excited and happy that they were all now together.
Jisung went back and put his hands on the keyboard when someone knocked on the door. "Hey, Jisung." Changbin walked over and grabbed Jisung's notebook. "Hey." Jisung gave the older a smile. "Hold up, you write lyrics? I thought only me and Chan.."
"Wait... YOU AND CHAN WRITE SONG LYRICS?" Jisung was trying so hard to contain his excitement but couldn't. "Yeah, you didn't know that? The whole group practically knows that." Jisung got up and stood there with wide eyes and mouth open. "And nobody thought to tell me?!" Changbin sat on the piano bench next to Jisung, pulling him down.
"We thought you knew, but show me what you're working on." Jisung took his notebook from Changbin and placed it in front of him and started playing and singing. When he was done, Changbin was now the one with wide eyes and mouth open. "What? Was it that bad?" Changbin scoffed. "Bad?! That was incredible Jisung! When the band hears this, they're gonna freak!" Jisung felt like a giddy little kid. "Wait, really?!" Changbin nodded his head and took the notebook.
"I so far only have one verse. Would you and Chan be willing to help me with the other one?" "Hell yeah, we will! Can you hand me your pencil?" Jisung turned and handed the older his pencil and saw how fast Changbin was writing. He was writing so fast, his handwriting got sloppy. "Ok, ok, can I try this?" Jisung scooted over making Changbin now in front.
'Something is different, I'm not sure
It seems like you are the identity of the coming light'Changbin had tweaked it a little and added some of his lyrics. He tried it out and saw Jisung's reaction. "Ok, this is so good. We need to call Chan."
Felix was currently at a park listening to music through his earbuds. He was waiting for Yuna so they could go to the music store together. "Oh if it isn't Yongbok! How you been?" Ryujin asked taking a seat next to Felix. Felix saw Ryujin take a seat and rolled his eyes at her, taking out his earbuds. "What do you want?"
"What is it with you Lee's thinking I want something! I just wanted to say hi because I saw you. Shouldn't you be with a guardian or something?" Felix rolled his eyes so much, he could've sworn he saw his brain. "Ryujin, just because we're classmates, doesn't mean we're friends."
"I never said we were. I just wanted to check up on my besties little bro." Ryujin ruffled Felix's hair leaving it a mess. Felix pushed Ryujin's hand away from his head, trying to fix it back into place. "Okay, then, hi. Is that it?" Ryujin slumped on the park bench and crossed her arms. "You suck. Literally." Felix's face went pale. Ryujin knew about Felix's sexuality and always teased him, but always supported, in her way. "I'll have you know, my sex life is none of your concern."
"Oh my god, little Felix is still a virgin!" Ryujin was trying to contain her laughter. "Why do you call me little? Just because we've known you since, like forever, doesn't make you our mom." Felix was trying to change the subject, not wanting to talk about his virginity to Ms.Shin Ryujin.
"Because I still see you guys as little. You and Chaeryeong." Felix found it odd she mentioned Chaeryeong. She never mentioned her. It was always Minho and Felix that she would say. "But also you do smoke weed so can't call you little really..but Chaeryeong still is." Ryujin giggled a little.
Yeah, she may have never mentioned nor talked about her but one thing she wouldn't let anybody know was that she felt protective of the girl. Growing up with the Lee's, kinda, Chaeryeong never really talked much and was always reserved to herself. Ryujin liked having another girl's company around even if she never talked.
"Chaeryeong is grown, well actually, nah she's my little sis." Felix thought back to how much Chaeryeong has grown and how much they've been through.
"How's your mom?" Felix sighed, "She's good." "And dad?" Felix went tense. It may not look like it but even if everyone pretended to hate Ryujin, she semi knew their family history and drama. They didn't like being affiliated with Ryujin since she was bad in school, and nor did Ryujin with them because they were 'losers' to her, but outside of school, they were almost practically family.
"He's.... alright I guess? I genuinely don't know." Felix felt his mood dropdown. As Ryujin was about to try and comfort Felix, they both heard a voice. "Felix!" Their heads perked up to see Yuna in front of them.
"Hi, I'm sorry I'm late, I got caught up in schoolwork and couldn't leave the house, my mom was on my ass, and-" Yuna stopped herself realizing she had been rambling and also that Ryujin was there. "Oh, hi Ryujin!" Ryujin gave her a little wave with a fake smile. She didn't want to be seen looking soft. "Oh, don't worry, Ryujin kept me company, you ready?"
Yuna nodded her head and waved goodbye to Ryujin. Felix turned his head around and gave a little smile to Ryujin as so she did too.
"Oh my god! I'm never having kids!" Jeongin exclaimed, laying on the cold ground. Chan and Jeongin had just finished cleaning the classrooms and were tired and sweaty. Chan wasn't as tired as how Jeongin was since he knew how tired he'd be but regardless, he could fall asleep any moment.
"That bad?" Chan laid next to Jeongin on the ground since he didn't want to be the only one left standing, looking awkward. "Yes! I don't know how you did it last year with no help." Chan laughed a little. "I don't know either, but I'm glad you were there." Jeongin smiled a little looking at the older.
Chan looked back at the younger and was mesmerized. He took this time to look at his features. He never really noticed how Jeongin looked like a fox. It was quite adorable. Jeongin was staring back at Chan. He couldn't help but find the older attractive. He felt so safe in the older's presence, which was quite odd for Jeongin.
Chan slightly glanced at Jeongin's lips. They were so close they could practically feel each other's breath. The way the stars glimmered in Chan's eyes made him look like a painting. Jeongin saw Chan's eyes glance at his lips and he honestly didn't mind it. Do it, Chan.
Chan felt his phone buzz in his pocket.
He realized the universe was probably telling him something like 'don't kiss him or something. Noted.
His eyes widen when he saw multiple calls and messages from Changbin and Jisung. "Holy shit, I should put my ringer on..." Jeongin cleared his throat, trying to forget what just happened. "What happened?" "Changbin and Jisung have been texting me about a new song?!" Jeongin had the biggest smile on his face. "Really?!!"
"Yes, and they want me to help with it! This is great!" Jeongin got up and pulled Chan up for a hug. "Okay, okay go work on the song so we can practice it!!" Chan was still stunned and wanted to go back into the hug but smiled anyway. "I will but first let me take you home, okay?" Jeongin nodded frantically and both the boys headed to Chan's car.
J: lyrics translated by lyricfind

Off Key
FanficJisung, the new kid Minho, the jock Chan, the nice popular guy Felix, the stoner Changbin, the emo Jeongin, the anime geek Seungmin, the nerd Hyunjin, the mean popular guy What happens when they all meet each other in detention and share the same pa...