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Jisung was at Chan's house, waiting for Changbin. Ever since they decided to throw a party, the three boys had to hurry and make multiple songs. They almost canceled the whole damn party because they didn't know if they'd be able to make enough songs for it. Almost. Turns out they were all fast workers and could make songs in the blink of an eye.

They were waiting for Changbin since they had to work on their main song. The first one ever.

"Ugh, where is he?" Jisung walked back and forth frantically. "He's with Felix. They sent me the poster a long time ago. He should've been here by now." Chan said now looking to see if Changbin had texted him. "Well, that's gonna be forever.." Jisung said muttering to himself but making it audible to Chan.

"What does that mean?"

"If he's with Felix, he's gonna forget about all his surroundings."

"They like each other?" Jisung looked at the older confused. "You didn't know?" Wow. "No." Jisung muttered a small 'o' and continued to wait.

"Wait, so why don't they just date?" Chan now was curious about his fellow bandmates' love lives. "Chan it's not that easy." Chan didn't understand. "How? They both like each other. They should go for it." Jisung face palmed himself, shaking his head. "If it were that easy, date Jeongin." Chan went silent. "I don't know what you're talking about. We don't like each other."  Jisung scoffed.

"Yeah and Seungmin doesn't have a huge crush on Hyunjin." Chan looked surprised. "Okay, I knew about them, but I'm surprised you knew. I thought you were oblivious." Jisung checked his phone for any messages but didn't receive any.

"What makes you think I'm oblivious?" Jisung asked, slightly offended, looking up from his phone.

"Just how Minho most likely in love with you, but just doesn't know it and you don't see it." Jisung dropped his phone and accidentally fell from trying to pick it up. "I- uh- he's not in love with me." Chan laughed.

"Yeah, and Felix and Changbin aren't making out right now." Jisung threw a random couch pillow. "Ugh, you just reminded me he's not here. He needs to hurry his ass up." Chan laughed again and decided to call Changbin.


Felix was holding Changbin's hand, running towards the park, happily. After stopping, Changbin looked around to what seemed to be an abandoned park. "Why are we at an abandoned park?"

"Well, my family always went to this park when I was little, but we stopped going." Changbin noticed Felix's precious smile, slowly started to fade. "But this place has always brought me comfort. I smoked my first joint here." Changbin busted out laughing, making  Felix laugh as well.

"Come on!" Felix started running up the stairs and sliding down the slide. Changbin laughed to himself and went running to Felix.

After playing for a couple of minutes, they decided to sit at the swings. "Oh god, I forgot how much fun this place was," Felix said trying to catch his breath. Changbin sat at the swing next to Felix, catching his breath as well. "Do Minho and Chaeryeong know this place too?" Felix nodded his head. "Yeah, but I come here the most."

Changbin decided to get up and push Felix on the swing. "Hey!" Changbin giggled and continued pushing. He went in front of him and opened his arms, signaling Felix to jump off. "HELL NO!" Changbin sighed. "Don't worry, I'll catch you!" Felix smiled and immediately jumped.

Changbin caught Felix almost immediately holding his legs while Felix was holding himself up from Changbin's neck. Felix and Changbin were in a fit of giggles. Felix looked down at Changbin, staring into his eyes, and stopped laughing as his mind went back to what Yuna said.

"Have you ever been in love?"

Right now, Felix couldn't help but just think about those words. Isn't this just a measly little crush? Why does this feel different? Changbin couldn't help but giggle a little. "What?" Felix said not taking his eyes off him.

"You look gorgeous in the moonlight."

Felix felt his heart race. His heart was beating rapidly. "Y-you too." Changbin laughed at the younger's shyness. "Felix?"

"Yes?" Felix started to glance down at his lips.


Changbin was cut off by his phone ringing. "Uh, hold up." He let go of Felix gently making Felix let go as well. Changbin answered his phone, to hear Chan and Jisung yelling.

"Woah, what?" After listening, Changbin said 'ok' and hung up. "What happened?" Felix asked, still feeling his heart race. "Chan and Jisung need me for 'Hello Stranger.' I need to revise some things and record." Felix muttered an 'oh' and sighed, "but let me take you home first."

Felix smiled at him and nodded. "I had fun, thanks for showing me your comfort place." Changbin held onto Felix's hand while walking back to the car. Before Felix got into the car, he leaned in and gave a quick kiss on Felix's cheek.

As Changbin went to the driver's seat. Felix was frozen, feeling his cheek and blushing, hard. I gotta call Yuna.


The next day, pretty much the entire school knew about the party. If they didn't know from Hyunjin, they now know from the poster that Chan posted on social media.

The entire school was waiting for the week to pass quickly as they were all excited and curious about the party. People even thought this was gonna be the biggest party in the entire school history, except for Jackson Wang's parties.

Now those were forever iconic.

As Ryujin walked through the halls, she was on a search for Hyunjin.

"Hwang Hyunjin!" Hyunjin startled, turns around to see Ryujin staring at him. "Why are you yelling!" Hyunjin leaned against his open locker, waiting for her response. "Why are you throwing a party with Minho and Chan?" Hyunjin rolled his eyes. "Because we're friends."

"Since when did you guys become friends?"

"Since like," Hyunjin didn't know what to say. "since, long ago? I don't know but I'm friends with them. What's the big deal?" Ryujin crossed her arms. "Oh, I don't know, maybe it's the fact that you guys are from different social groups and shouldn't be hanging out with each other." To be honest, Hyunjin was kind of pissed of with Ryujin right now.

"Let me ask you this, are you going to the party?" Ryujin widened her eyes. "Well yeah, since when have I ever missed a good party? Besides, I'm curious about this 'Stray Kids' group."

"Then don't complain about who's making it." Hyunjin slammed his locker shut, walking away, leaving Ryujin, startled. I don't give a damn about the social ladder anymore.

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