Felix and Chan were currently hanging out with each other in the classroom, waiting for the rest to arrive.
"Where are the rest? Class is about to start." Chan questioned. Felix kept looking off into the distance, daydreaming.
"Hello?" Chan called out. Felix didn't pay attention, as he looked out the window.
Chan sighed and sat across from the younger. "Felix," Chan said, waving his hand in front of him, finally, getting his attention.
"Sorry, I'm distracted," Felix said rubbing his head. "You okay?" He asked making Felix nod his head. "I'm fine, just off today." He said.
Chan decided not to push him any further and didn't ask questions anymore.
Seungmin rushed into the classroom, almost falling. "Has it started?!" He exclaimed, making Felix and Chan scared. Seungmin blinked and realized Chan and Felix were the only ones there.
"Where the hell is everyone?" He questioned. "That's what I was asking," Chan said. "Nobody has arrived. Not even the teacher." Seungmin got confused. Why is no one here?
They all suddenly got a message from the group chat saying there is no school, today.
"Changbin just said we don't have school today?" Seungmin questioned out loud. "Why weren't we informed by the actual school?" Seungmin questioned.
"I'm gonna go home then. Bye." Felix said, yawning and heading home. Seungmin and Chan both looked at each other then Felix walking out of the room.
"What's up with him?" Seungmin asked, resulting in Chan shrugging. "I don't know. I think he's just not feeling well today." Chan said.
"So, do we go home now?" Chan asked, making Seungmin shrug. "I guess," Seungmin said. "Do you want a ride?" Chan asked making Seungmin nod his head.
Felix arrived home, tired.
He entered his room, dismissing Chaeryeong speaking to him, closing his door.
Felix laid on his bed, but then Chaeryeong opened the door. "Felix, are you okay?" She asked, making him shrug as he stuffed his face on his pillow.
"What's wrong?" She asked making Felix shrug again.
Chaeryeong sighed and left the room, shutting the door and heading to the kitchen, where she left her phone.
She called someone who she thought could help Felix.
Hyunjin arrived at Seungmin's house, finding Seungmin quite upset and angry.
"Why didn't you tell me we didn't have school today!" Seungmin yelled out, making Hyunjin a bit scared.
"I thought you knew?" He asked making Seungmin glare at him. "No, I didn't know." He said gritting through his teeth.
"Okay, I'm sorry." He said making Seungmin sigh. "Just help me take this to the car," Seungmin said, grabbing a box and giving it to Hyunjin.
Hyunjin ran out of the house, with the box, shoving it in Seungmin's car.
"Oh, not the best time to ask but does your friend Lia like me?" He asked Seungmin who was approaching the car with another box.
"What do you mean?" Seungmin asked. "I only ask because I don't think she likes me," Hyunjin said. "Oh, yeah, she hates you." He said walking back into the house.
"Wait, she does?!" Hyunjin said, following Seungmin soon after. "Yes, most people do," Seungmin said, making Hyunjin gasp.
"Why?" He asked, quietly. "Because you were a bitch." Hyunjin gasped again, feeling offended.
"Keyword, were," Seungmin said, handing Hyunjin another box. "Okay, that makes more sense," Hyunjin said, sighing out of relief.
Changbin arrived at Felix's house after getting a phone call from Chaeryeong.
He knocked on the door and found Chaeryeong opening the door.
"What's up?" He asked making Chaeryeong yank Changbin inside the house and closing the door. "He's upstairs." She said making Changbin confused.
"Who?" He asked.
"Felix." She said pushing him up the stairs.
Soon after Changbin went upstairs, the door knocked again, meaning Seungmin and Hyunjin arrived.
Changbin stood in front of Felix's door, knocking on it slightly.
"Felix? It's Changbin. Are you okay?" Changbin said, lowly. Felix soon opened the door, but only by a crack.
"Hey, are you okay?" Changbin asked again, once he saw Felix in his view. "I don't know. I just feel off today." Felix said, opening the door even more.
Changbin entered as Felix moved back. He closed the door, as Felix sat on the bed.
"Do you feel sick?" Changbin asked sitting next to the younger. "No, I feel okay, just, not 100%," Felix said, leaning on Changbin's shoulder. "Did it start this morning?" Changbin asked as he caressed Felix's hand.
"Yeah, when I woke up." He said as he intertwined their fingers. "I'm sure it's nothing important," Felix said. "Whatever you feel is never nothing," Changbin said looking at him.
Felix lifted his head from the older's shoulder and looked back at him. "You're too nice to me," Felix said smiling with stars in his eyes. "Well, you deserve it, and much more," Changbin said, smiling back.
They both felt the atmosphere become tense with the two being close to each other. The two could feel their breath on each other, as they got closer and closer.
Their hearts raced faster and faster every time they got closer. Felix's breathing became a bit shaky and unusual. No one has ever made him feel that way just for being that close to someone. Not even his past relationships.
"Felix?" Changbin asked, setting his hand on Felix's cheek and caressing it. "Y-yes?" Felix asked. This came as a shock to Changbin, hearing Felix stutter. He didn't know he had that effect on him, but that gave him a bit of confidence.
Changbin smiled and whispered in the younger's ear. "I like you." Felix widened his eyes and looked at the older.
He pulled the older by his shirt and connected their lips. Changbin didn't expect it for Felix to initiate but immediately kissed back. Their lips moved together perfectly and in sync. Felix kept pulling Changbin closer to him, still gripping onto his shirt. Changbin put both of his hands on Felix's face, gently, pulling him closer as well.
A rush of emotions came through the two. Both anticipating this moment and not believing it's happening. Heavy breaths were exchanged between the two as they took little breaks to compose themselves.
Felix was the first to pull away, feeling his lips tingle and seeing Changbin become red. Felix looked down and realized he was still holding onto his shirt but didn't let go, instead, he pulled him closer again and whispered back with a bright smile.
"I like you too."

Off Key
FanfictionJisung, the new kid Minho, the jock Chan, the nice popular guy Felix, the stoner Changbin, the emo Jeongin, the anime geek Seungmin, the nerd Hyunjin, the mean popular guy What happens when they all meet each other in detention and share the same pa...