Part 39

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Taehyung's POV

The tension is tough as I sit here in silence watching her lips move. With Jimin sitting on the floor next to Tannie, I read his annoyed facial expressions as he just stares at my mom while she blabs her mouth at him on why she never got along with me.

 With Jimin sitting on the floor next to Tannie, I read his annoyed facial expressions as he just stares at my mom while she blabs her mouth at him on why she never got along with me

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 Coming up with every excuse in the book but yet - he along with me can honestly care less to hear -ANYTHING - she has to say

"Did you come here to buy land, if not, you can see yourself out" I say cutting her off while taking a sip from my glass of Hennessey on ice when she rolls her eyes

"Stop being that petty Tae that everyone hates"

"You're the only one that I'm petty towards, so you can hate me all you want. I'm used to it" I laugh dryly "So are you here cause you want money? If you haven't noticed, I put money in dads account every month and since you share it with him, judging by the looks of your clothes, I'm sure you're enjoying every penny of it"

"My billionaire son"

"Don't call me your son"

"Grow up young man. I'm still your mother so you will respect me"

"Sorry to burst you bubble -'mom' - but respect is earned. You lost that the day you disowned me in high school"

That's right. The day I told Y/N I was gay, I decided to tell my parents too. I was fucking terrified. Thinking my parents would be so hurt since they were the ones I never wanted to disappoint the most. My dad would always tell me that marriage is something special shared between only a man and woman and my mom would interject telling me she couldn't wait till the day comes when I bring a wife to her home. And with them saying that to me -

How can I tell them that I won't make them the happiest parents alive?

But I gather up the courage when Y/N told me I had a place to stay if everything didn't turn out as planned, which was her place. The place she would talk about her boy issues while I would listen and fake my 'girl' issues that I never had. But then it turned into us having the same boy issues. She made me feel so comfortable about myself

And then the day came

The day I came home from high school, sitting the three of us down in the living room as I played with my fingers. My mom stood up and sat next to me placing her hands on mine which made me look at her when we both make eye contact

"Taehyungie -" was the nickname given to me since the day she carried me in her womb that I sadly no longer hear anymore "What's wrong sweetheart? What's got you crying like this?" she says wiping my tears

"If I tell you, I know you're going to hate me" I look back and forth at my parents when they do the same thing

"Just tell us son" my dad says. And taking a deep breath, I look at my dad then at my mom when I cry harder

PREGNANT by my GAY BF {WATTY2022}Where stories live. Discover now