Part 69

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Taehyung's POV

"Are you going to invite me in?" he asks, his voice sounding so deep, low, and intimating at the same time which makes me slowly step to the side. It's just the way he talks. He then smiles showcasing his pearly whites, walking into my home heading straight to the living room. Sitting on the couch, he makes himself comfortable throwing his back onto it while manspreading

About to close the door, it gets pushed open by 2 big men that had to duck down in the doorway just to walk inside. One closes the door for me, locking it as he stands there with his hands crossed in front of him while the other one walks to where Hoseok is as he stands by him scoping out his surroundings

"Is this fucking necessary?" I ask him, walking to where Hoseok was sitting

"Are they bothering you?" he asks nonchalantly. I look at the man standing next to Hoseok who stares at me, waiting for me to answer the question more so to his liking. And the look he is giving off is so deadly. So, hesitantly shaking my head, the man slowly looks away which makes me take a seat, sitting across from my cousin

"Why are you here?" I ask looking at Hoseok who had his eyes closed with his head resting back on the couch

"Just wanted to come and check on you. I'm hearing some weird shit about my cousin telling the media he got a video call from his husband"

"I called you that day Hoseok" I say which makes him lift his head up to look at me "Jungkook answered your phone"

"How can he answer my phone if he's dead - Taehyung?" he deadpans me

"He disappeared"

"It can mean the same shit" he shrugs

"I know what I saw" I say. He then smirks with a scoff attached

"You really are crazy huh?" he questions "Crazy doesn't look good on you Cuzzo. You should fix that"

"Namjoon is. He keeps me at the doctors and feeding me fucking pills"

"You better be happy he's giving you that. In my line of work, we slit crazy people's throats" he says so casually as I look upon him in fear while he sides smiles at me "But I didn't come here to scare you. I came here because I don't need my name in the media"

"Your name in the media?" I look at him confused

"You called my phone. You think you saw some shit. I don't need you telling people which phone you supposedly saw Jungkook on"

"I - I would never do that to you Hoseok" I say truthfully "I know the kind of business you do"

"I'm happy you know" he says with a smile

"Hobi?" we turn our heads to my daughter who was now running towards him. Sitting up on the couch, he reaches his hands out catching her while he scoops her up in his arms placing her small body on his lap

"How's my favorite cousin doing?" he asks her while sliding her hair out her face and putting it behind her ear

"I'm doing great. I was playing with Uncle Yugi and Uncle Jim Jim upstairs" she says with a big box smile "But you pinky promised me you will get me a pony on my 5th birthday. And you never did. I rather play with that" she pouts while folding her arms and looking up at him. Earning a innocent laugh from Hoseok, he smiles down at her

"You have a very good memory. Cousin has been so busy, it slipped my mind"

"So - does that mean - I can have one now?" she batters her eyelashes like she always does to get what she wants. I still don't know why Jimin taught her that shit. But sadly, it works every time on every man in this house. But hopefully not Hoseok

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