Part 76

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Namjoon's POV

Y/N has been calling me and as a horrible fiancée - I haven't been answering

I text her asking if what she needs is important but all she says is no and that she misses and loves me. But - I don't say it back

"Ugly looks ugly on you" Yugyeom says plopping down next to me on the couch getting an eye roll from me "What got my big bro in a horrible mood?"

"I - do you think I'm a bad husband?"

"Husband?" he questions looking at me "You're not married yet - right?" he asks questioning himself which makes me sigh while shaking my head

"No - I'm not. It's just -"

"You feel guilty about hanging out with Annie, which in return you're starting to develop feelings for her, and you're scared to tell Y/N because you know your most likely going to hurt my best friend's feelings and your even more terrified of me because you know - well you know what I would do to you if you broke her heart" cutting me off, voice growing deeper, he looks at me with his head slightly tilted to the side which makes me nudge him "Am I right?"

"Umm - partly" I say placing my back against the couch letting out a sigh "Yes - ok, I'm developing feelings for Annie and -" I stop talking as I think to myself. Thinking to myself in which knowing that this isn't right, but I can't stop my feelings from forming. 

"And what?" he asks but I stay quiet "And what Namj - "

"I told her I was going to leave Y/N - for - her" I blurt out. It felt good to get that off my chest to someone else, especially someone I am close to like my baby brother. But feeling how quiet he is, I slowly turn my head to see a pillow from the couch magically in his hands. Why does he look like that? "Yugi -" but before I could get another word out, he jumps on me forcing the pillow on my face as I instantly feel like I'm suffocating

Struggling to say his name as I claw at his sweater's sleeves, he straddles my waist adding more force. But hearing him chuckle, he stops smothering me giving me the opportunity to grab the pillow and throw it across the room. And now looking up at him with fear in my eyes while I catch my breath, he shoulders shrugs, raising off of me. Sitting back down where he was before, he smiles to himself.


"Me?" he questions looking confused as if he didn't just do something wrong "Nothing. What's wrong with you?"


"My God Namjoon - your being so overdramatic. You're not dead, are you?"

"I said almost" I say through gritted teeth

"And almost doesn't count" he mocks me

"How are you so calm about what the hell you just did?" I sigh scooting away from his crazy ass

"And why are you so mad when it's your fault I acted the way I did?" he looks at me

"You're turning into Jimin" I say but he only smiles showing off his pearly whites "That's not a compliment" I mumble standing to my feet, moving to the other couch

"Oh please, I always thought this way. It's just being with him I'm starting to - act out - on how I truly feel" he shrugs again looking down at the ground while folding his arms across his chest

"I'm your fucking brother. You would kill me?"

"Chill Namjoon. You're not dead and besides, I wasn't going to kill you. I was just giving you a warning"

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