Part 51

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Standing here out of place between Jimin and Yugyeom, I look at them while they stand there staring each other down as if their getting ready to just feast on each other

"I'm a bottom" Jimin blurts out breaking the silence as I stand there at a loss from words

"So am I -" Yugyeom says making Jimin put his head down "But I can make an exception"

"And that's my que" I say breaking them from flirting as I watch both their smiles fade. Yugyeom looks at me then rolls his eyes as if I'm the one that is cockblocking. And maybe I am, but I just need to get away from them and fast

"Where's Taehyung and Jungkook?" I ask Jimin as I watch him lick his lips and then look up the staircase to then look back at me

"Yugi, can you make sure that -" I was about to speak when he puts his hand up to stop me from talking

"Just yell 'My butthole stretches' and I'll come in swinging" he says not once looking at me but instead following Jimin with his eyes. Ignoring my presence, he walks after him while licking his lips as I watch them both disappear around the corner

Smiling to myself as I feel my nerves kick in, I walk to the long staircase when I look up at it. I don't know what to expect or what Taehyung might say when he sees me. But feeling as I start to head up the stairs a step at a time, I hear a faint cry coming from the back room, making it to the open door. And there I saw Jungkook and Taehyung playing with Ara on their shared bed

Jungkook kisses her hand to stop her from crying as Taehyung talks to him about something while changing her diaper

"I don't know about this Jungkook" Taehyung says "We use to be really close"

"Too close if you ask me" Jungkook says in a smart reply getting a stare from Taehyung which makes him sigh "We both fucked up and fucked her and it is what it is but now we have bigger fish to fry. I care about Ara and I don't want nothing to happen to her, even if she isn't mine" he mumbles the last part

"You said you wouldn't do this" Taehyung interjects "You said you would stop bringing it up. You said you will try and get passed that"

"I know what I said Tae, I say a lot of things but it all takes time considering you didn't even want to be a father to begin with"

"Well, she's here now and she's mine and I will make it up to you no matter how long it takes" Taehyung says looking at Jungkook "I promise" knocking on their door, they stop talking and look at me as my nerves go from 20 to 1000 real quick.

Gesturing for me to sit in the chair in their room, Jungkook then stands to his feet excusing himself. He grabs Ara off the bed and walks her out the room, I'm assuming to hers. Looking at Taehyung, I tried to not to look his way considering I felt both his eyes on me with a glare when they then slowly relax.

"How have you been?" he says trying to start a conversation with me knowing he doesn't care if I choke and die

"I - ummm - I've been fine" scoffing with a small chuckle attached, he shakes his head

"You still love lying don't you?"

"I'm not lying. I am doing fine"

"Despite all the bullshit and people wanting you 6 feet under along with my husband and my child, your doing fine? Yea - ok - continue that lie if it makes you feel better"

"I didn't come here to argue"

"You think you being here is going to be a walk in the park for me? I didn't want to see your face again and I was true to my word when I said that. I just want to better myself for my husband and my daughter

PREGNANT by my GAY BF {WATTY2022}Where stories live. Discover now