Chapter XXII

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As soon as Skylar leaves our suite, I immediately tell my sisters what she said to me. I also question them on why they let her come in when they knew what I was doing. Their answer was that Chance and I had only been in my room for about five minutes, and they didn't think I had started yet.

Apparently, time is different when you're lodged into someone's mind because I'm pretty sure it had been at least 30 minutes.

Maybe even more.

I let them know that I didn't see any memories of the plans although I was interrupted. So I guess step 1 is complete. I'm 99% sure Chance isn't the traitor.

Do I feel guilty for going into his mind without his knowledge?

Yes and no. It's an invasion of privacy but it had to be done. He'll understand.

I think.

Now since Skylar came into my room uninvited, I didn't get the opportunity to complete Step 2 and tell Chance about the traitor.

Step 2 is going to have to involve Bree now. While I'm doing whatever I'll be doing with Skylar in the morning, Bree is going to have to find a way to tell Chance.

Skylar is a very smart woman. She knew what I was doing. I don't even know how long she was there before she snapped me out of it. All I do know is that if she wants to help me, I'll let her. I'm not going to let her get too close to me though. This "relationship" is for business purposes only.

Then later on tomorrow, we'll sneak off to the library.

The plan is set, all we have to do is follow through. For now, the only thing I can do is go to sleep and hope for better days.

I guess that's easier said than done because that night, I spent most of my time crying instead of sleeping. I tried to calm myself down, but I couldn't help but to think of Michael, my dad, and the situation that lies ahead. It's stressful but the only thing I can do is face the reality that things aren't going to get better until my sisters and I take care of it. I have to suck it up and get this done. Then I'll be able to go back to school and continue living my normal life. Better days are coming. It's getting closer and closer. I can feel it.

In the morning, I am woken up by Mila.

What we didn't know was that everyone had their own plans for us. I'm going to be with Skylar. Bree is going to be with Penelope, and Mila is going to be with Mr. Axel. So again, we have to find another way to speak to Chance. We are told that he's going to be working on the costumes. They packed them up right before we left the Warner Valley facility. He doesn't have a team with him to help him, so he's going to be spending a lot of time working by himself. He needs no distractions. I'm pretty sure that statement was directed towards me.

We eat breakfast, and then we split up. Bree's primary focus now is just combat so they'll be practicing in the suite Penelope shares with Skylar. The same goes for Mila, but she still has to practice controlling her speed. She and Mr. Axel are going to find an empty field. As for me, the only thing I've been able to practice the last few weeks have been combat. I am now starting to get the hang of my powers though.

Skylar does have experience with controlling powers so maybe I'll finally be able to reach my full potential. I wasn't going to ask for help, but I'm secretly happy that I'll be working with her.

We end up staying in our suite.

Skylar gets straight to it.

"Show me what you can do." She demands, her arms folded as she stares into my soul.

The only thing I can do is control someone's mind and search through their memories. And I just started doing that, but I begin anyway.

I focus solely on Skylar. Nothing else. I don't hear any white noise. Everything is mute. This allows me to concentrate.

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