Chapter XXXV

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It had to be said.

More so for me because I was the one holding on to certain parts of him that are long gone. As soon as the sentence is out in the open, the lights switch back on. The backup generator has kicked in. And that's when my brain starts working properly. I reach my arm behind my back to connect with Chance's hands. I untangle them so that I can get back up on my feet. Bree and Mila haven't noticed a thing. They're over by the pods continuing on with the plan.

Chance and I look in their direction at the same time and then back at each other.

"I tried." He says while shaking his head.

"Now!" He shouts.

And I know this can't be good.

My thoughts are confirmed seconds later. Out of the corner of my eye, I spot one of the skulls. She looks like a futuristic robot. I can't see her face because of the skull mask, but she's covered from head to toe in what appears to be white armor. Bree notices her as well and motions for me to come to her. That's not about to happen though. Chance has his hands around my wrist, tugging me towards him. I put myself in a squatting position to pull all of my weight to the ground. This causes Chance to stagger a little but not for long. He grabs my other wrist and continues. My feet are being dragged across the floor. The scraping noise irritates my ears.

I hear running from behind me, and I know it's Bree. Soon the skull takes off in the direction of my sisters. I hear the commotion behind me but I don't turn around because standing a few feet away is the other skull. He's pulling me to her. Her attire is identical to the other skull. No surprise there. Her movements are slow and calculated. Her gaze is solely on me right now. She doesn't look like she's about to go after my sisters. She looks like she wants to eat me alive. My head is slightly tilted as I look at her past Chance's head. I expect that he wants me to battle her while the other one battles my sisters. But to my surprise, he stops short. The skull rushes past but not before she lets out a breath. Shadow Ice. I know it's her because I can see her breathe in the air. It makes the temperature in the room drop.

This is when I finally turn back. Bree and Mila have Red Eye pinned against one of the pods.

"Watch out!" I yell.

Mila turns around just in time. Shadow Ice blows out the freezing wind but Mila blocks it by putting her hand out. Ice particles drop to the floor. I hear Shadow ice grunt as she runs forward.

Chance makes me turn my head back to look at him. He has his finger under my chin gently guiding me to face him.

"This is your last offer. Come with me." He whispers.


I knee him in the stomach and step back. I'm not letting him get away again. I'm prepared. I ball my hand into a fist and draw back. I rush forward but he grabs my fist in his hand. He gives it a harsh twist making me turn my entire body. I whimper out in pain as my wrist starts to throb. I'm trying to pull back but he has me securely in his embrace. Chance reaches in his back pocket and pulls out a phone. He bends down to speak to me.

"I press one button and every single one of those pods will explode. But if you come with me, I'll call off Red Eye and Shadow Ice."

He doesn't even wait for me to answer. Instead, he just starts back dragging me out of the backspace. I don't fight him though. I turn back around to look at the battle that is ensuing behind us. Bree is now straddling Shadow Ice and punching her in her face over and over again. Mila and Red Eye are having a battle of their own but Mila seems to be getting the best of her. I lose sight of them as we turn the corner to enter the front part of the room. I don't know what is about to happen as I willingly start to follow Chance out of the processing chambers. I'm blankly staring at the back of his head. I'm letting him lead me to my doom. But while that's happening, maybe I'll be able to get some answers out of him. So I start asking him questions as he leads me to the elevators. The dimly lit halls make me think agents are somewhere waiting to attack me. But it's dead silent.

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