Chapter XXV

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Rebecca seems clueless as hell.

She's acting like nothing has happened in the last few days. She doesn't even seem to know about the attack that happened at Warner Valley. It's unsettling to see her acting nonchalant but the thing is, I see right through it. It's an act. She knows something. I can tell by the way her forehead creases as if she's thinking about something. Then it relaxes quickly as if she's trying to force herself to remain calm. She's done this six times since we've entered her house. She's not fooling me. I'm watching her like a hawk.

She offers us some water first. No one takes her offer so she leads us into the living room. Once we're seated, no says anything for a while. It's awkward. She doesn't know why we're here and no one wants to speak up first. I nudge Chance because he at least has some type of relationship with Rebecca. He gets my hint. He clears his throat and then starts talking.

"You've heard about what happened at Warner Valley, right?"

"Uh, what happened?" She swallows as soon as she says this.

That's something people do when they're nervous. What reason would she have to be nervous unless she's hiding something?

"Someone named Lavo sent two girls with powers to attack Warner Valley. We survived."

Chance motions to the four of us.

"As well as my mom, granddad, and Penelope. No one else did though."

Rebecca looks down at her hands that are placed in her lap and shakes her head.

"That's horrible. I-"

I don't wait for her to finish. I look at the three oblivious humans sitting next to me in disbelief.

"Just tell us the truth." I demand.

Not even a second after, she spills. Her response was too fast for any human to react.

"The police came by to tell my husband. Law enforcement said there were no survivors. I was thought to be one of the victims but-"

"Stop." I say.

Suddenly she's quiet.

"Open your mouth."

She obliges.

"Place your hand on your knee."

She does as she's told.

"Are you using your powers on her?" Bree whispers to me.

"I guess so."

"Let me try it." Mila responds. "Stand up."


All Rebecca is doing is sitting with her mouth open and her hand on her knee.

I turn to the others.

"I wasn't trying to at first. I was just trying to be bitchy to let her know I knew she was lying."

Chance then places his hand on my shoulder.

"It doesn't matter. We're getting the truth now. Make her continue."

So that's what I do.

"I thought everyone was dead. The police only came by to notify my husband."

"You didn't show up to work that day." I interrupt her.

She nods.

"Why didn't you show up? Did you know something was going to happen?"

Rebecca takes a deep breath.

"The truth is that I had been getting emails, phone calls, even texts from this person. Threatening me and my husband. I had to."

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