Chapter XXX

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That's the best word to describe the essence of my entire being in this exact moment. The shock on my face is prominent. The disbelief has taken over, and I'm starting to think that this is all an illusion because this doesn't make an ounce of sense. Everyone in this room can hear me just cracking from the inside out. Just a second ago I was full of energy and ready to continue the fight, but now I feel like life has been sucked out of me and I don't know if I'll even be able to take a step. Bree and Mila protectively step in front of me cutting me off from the person I mentally created a different world with. I didn't even know it until this moment. The moment of disappointment and betrayal. It slapped me right in the face, and I can't do anything to retaliate. I just take the hit. Nothing or no one can ease this pain.

You know that emotion you have when you're hurt so bad, and the only thing that'll help is to cry and let it all out. I don't even think crying will help in this scenario. I could cry until I was all dried out, and my heart would still be aching because nothing can cure a shattered heart that was already fractured to begin with. The damage is irreversible. This is the type of pain that'll cause the best of people to turn into the most diabolical human on the planet. I know I'm not the best person so I can only imagine who I'll be after I take a breather. It's scary to think about but another part of me finds comfort in those thoughts. But I have to swallow this sadness and anger like two large pills. I don't want to do it, but it's the best option.

Every time I make a motion to look at him, my body goes numb. The silence isn't helping either. It's starting to get to me.

I'm somewhat relieved when he goes to talk, but I also want to run to him and rip his head off. He starts speaking with no notion. I've never heard this tone from him in all of the years that I've known him. It's worrisome to know that you spent a lot of your time with a person just for them to turn out to be a stranger in the end.

"Good job. You've managed to demolish the extraction device."

"What's going on, Chance?" I ask him while stepping between my sisters so he can look me right in the eye.

"Follow me."

He goes to turn on his heels, but Bree's voice stops him.

"No, you're gonna tell us right now or I'm gonna start breaking necks." Bree declares.

The agents instinctively start pointing their guns at us, but Chance directs them to lower their weapons.

He faces us.

"You don't need to do that. I'll tell you as much as I'm instructed to."

Mila lets out a heavy breath. "Does your mom and granddad know what the fuck is going on? Oh wait, they're probably a part of this shit too."

Chance's face doesn't change. He doesn't break character at all. Instead of answering Mila's question, he continues speaking as if she didn't even say anything to begin with.

"All evidence of Project PC is to be terminated. The SFA has launched a new project as Agent Harden mentioned. We're recruiting teenagers and young adults to join us to fight for our country. Sort of like the military. Their whole purpose is to stop national threats to the United States."

"No, you're taking kids away from their parents." Mila accuses him.

"That's incorrect. Everyone over the age of 18 willingly accepted our offer. Anyone under the age of 18 had parental consent. Now, I'm sure your statement is in reference to Sasha Parks and Nicole Martin because their parents reported them missing. But I can assure you that their parents gave their consent, but then sadly recanted. But it doesn't work like that."

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