Chapter XII

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Don't lose your mind. Don't lose your mind.

I keep telling myself this because I feel like it's only a matter of time before it actually happens. I feel a responsibility to remain calm for the sake of my sisters. Mila has always been a loose cannon, and Bree has always been our rock. I feel like if anyone would go crazy, it would be Bree from all the pressure. So, I have to remain calm at least for her. She's really trying to hold it together. Mila's ass doesn't even try. And now I feel like I'm hearing voices. This means I'm on the crazy ship with Mila. I feel exactly how I felt last night when I heard Chance. And one of the cards said we will develop more powers, so maybe another one of my powers is super senses. That's probably what it is. That's probably why I'm able to hear things that they don't hear. I don't know for sure but that's my guess.

I'm exhausted just thinking about the amount of powers we could have. I was already stressed out being my normal self. Imagine the amount of stress I'll have once I develop all of my powers. And I know trying to conceal them will most definitely be the hardest part.

I just need some food, then I'll relax. Food helps everything.

Don't lose your mind. Please, don't lose your mind.

When I pull over, I switch positions with Bree. Waffle House is about five minutes away and Bree seems to know where I was going. I guess I'm predictable.

Everything feels like I'm watching from an outside perspective. The drive is already dull, but it starts to fade out. I hope this isn't an indication that I'm about to get a headache. I have to be the sister that isn't in sync with the other sisters. They got their headaches at the same time. I didn't though. That can't be right. Obsessing over this isn't going to help though. I need to eat, and maybe that'll help me focus better.

When we pull into Waffle House, I see that it isn't crowded and I silently thank God. I don't want anyone eavesdropping on our conversation.

We've pretty much been silent, and that doesn't change when we enter the restaurant. It doesn't change when we pick our table. It doesn't change when our waiter comes to get our drink order either but once the waiter takes our food order, Bree finally speaks.

"So, what's the plan?"

I let out a sigh before talking.

"We go there and if anything goes wrong, I'll blast their asses. Simple."

"How do you know if you'll even be able to do that once we're there?" Mila says as she side eyes me.

I roll my eyes. "It seems like our bodies can sense when we're in danger. It'll do the work for us."

"Were you in danger last night with Chance? Hell no, you were far from it and you still blasted him." Bree says with slight annoyance in her tone.

"Well, what's your plan?" I direct my question to Mila.

"Honestly, I was thinking the same thing as you, but my senses aren't all out of whack like yours."

"How so?" I start getting defensive.

"Bree and I know when we're in danger. It seems like you don't."

"I agree, but it's not like we're gonna leave her in the car. I just pray you get the right people." Bree chimes in. "Because if you blast me-"

"Create a force field just in case." I cut her off.

I understand where they're coming from, but oh fucking well. We need to take chances. If these people come at us, we might end up being lab rats. If I do end up blasting one of my sisters, I'm sure they'll survive. That's what happened to Chance. He didn't die. They need to toughen up because I'm going in there ready to blast anyone.

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