Chapter XXVIII

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My head is buzzing like a bee.

I don't know if I'm in a prison cell or if I'm in a laboratory. I don't know which one would be worse. They could have already taken the lyxina out of me by now. There's no way to tell since I passed out, yet again.

I hope that my sisters were able to stay conscious but probably not. When those headaches come, it's hard trying to keep your composure.

I feel miserable. I still feel weak at this moment. My head doesn't hurt as much, but there is still a lot of pressure there. It's almost like I have the worst sinus infection. It's uncomfortable, and it makes me want to go to sleep. I don't even know what time it is.

I soon realize that my hands are balled into fists. I slowly unclinch them as I try to feel around to determine my surroundings. As I'm feeling the surface that I'm on, I can tell that it isn't anything hard. It sort of feels like a couch, but it also feels like some sort of plastic. I am positioned on my back, and my body is completely horizontal. I see the lights around me through my eyelids. This could mean that it's day time or that I'm just in a room with a million lights. Just as I'm about to try to open my eyes, I hear soft footsteps coming closer to where I'm at. I listen quietly and wait for the person to come to me. I listen, and it sounds like someone is turning a door knob ever so slowly.

I know that the door is open when I start back hearing the footsteps. They're clearer and closer.

"Follow me." I hear the person say. I know that it's a woman, and this woman isn't alone apparently.

I continue to act as if I'm asleep because it seems like the most logical thing to do at this point. I'll be able to get some information if they think I'm still unconscious.

"When Rebecca initiated the thunderstorm sound effects, it caused the girls to have a vasovagal attack. Their blood pressure dropped, which reduced circulation. But their bodies also went into some kind of protective state. And there's absolutely no way for us to come in contact with any of them."

"What do you mean you can't come in contact with them?" I hear the second voice.

Now I know it's a man with an eerily deep, raspy voice.

"While they're fully unconscious, there's no way for us to remove the lyxina. Bree's body has created a force field, Mila's body is radiating so much heat that it's impossible to get near her, and well Rainey's body is giving off some type of energy that's causing us to get plunged away if we get too close to her. So our next option is to wait for them to gain consciousness."

Now that's something that has never happened before. Well honestly I don't know. We don't know what our bodies are doing when we're asleep, but it seems as though this happened because the last time we were conscious, we were in danger.

"How long has it been since the last attempt?" The man asks.

I'm really confused at this point because he seems important, but Rebecca told us that she was over this operation. You never really know who's running what when it comes to the government.

"They've only been unconscious for about 45 minutes, and the last time we tried was 20 minutes ago."

"Okay, we'll wait. Keep me updated."

"Yes sir."

The door opens and then closes. I hear footsteps wandering around me but not too close. I'm pretty sure it's the woman who chose to stay behind. She starts mumbling a tune that sounds like Whitney Houston's "I'm Your Baby Tonight". That's a very peculiar thing to do given the circumstances but okay.

Even though I'm still feeling a little down, I know that something is about to happen. Our watches were set for an hour. After that hour was up, Skylar and Mr. Axel were supposed to come in to get us. Penelope and Chance were to stay behind. When I fainted, the alarm had started vibrating, meaning that we had 30 more minutes. This lady just said that we were unconscious for 45 minutes. So Skylar and Mr. Axel would have tried to infiltrate the SFA 15 minutes ago. Obviously I'm still in this room being observed so something must have happened. They should be here unless something bad has happened to them. In that case, that's something else that we have to do. And we still have to make it out of here alive, but now there are more lives at stake. We just keep adding more and more lives to the equation.

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