Chapter XXXVI

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I finally get to go into Mr. Axel's mind. I'm certain that there has to be millions of memories from the time when he was a young SFA agent. I'm anxious but determined to see what happened all those years ago. I don't know why Chance had to accompany me, but that's not important right now. All I'm worried about is locating his flowers and following the path to the past.

And what do I see?

Five is the number of flowers that I see. Other than that, there's blackness all around.

I look to my right and for a split second I see the old Chance as the lights illuminating from the flowers shine on his face. He's just as curious as I am. I've never been inside someone's mind with someone else. It seems so unnatural.

Well a few weeks ago everything felt unnatural and impossible so what was I expecting.

I don't know if I can speak to him. I don't know if it's possible. I want to just so that I can tell him that he's a bitch, but now's not the time.

I'm not surprised that Mr. Axel has only a few flowers. He's a mystery that's hard to crack. But I don't think Chance has been able to go inside someone's mind so I can understand his curiosity. But the thing about these flowers is how they're positioned. Each flower is directly behind another. They aren't randomly placed which makes me think that Mr. Axel somehow managed to perfectly lay out the exact memories he wanted us to go through in the exact order. I just thought I would be led to them subconsciously by him, but this is different.

"Come on." I gasp in response to my own voice.

"What?" Chance asks.

"I wasn't sure we could communicate in this state. That's all."

"I wasn't sure either but now that that's established, let's go."

Chance takes off before me but I'm right on his heels.

As we're getting near, more questions start to rise in my head. Like how are we both going to see his memories at the same time? Usually when I open a memory, I'm seeing it through that person's point of view. Now that there's two of us, how is that going to work?

There's not enough time to ponder all of this so I guess I'm about to find out because my surroundings are starting to fade away. The view of the flowers is getting darker and darker. Soon bright light starts to come into view. I blink a few times trying to adjust, and I know that I'm no longer looking at the world from my view.

Memory 1
When I finally open my eyes again, I'm staring at a fine ass older white man. His hair is starting to grey. He has a beard which only makes him more attractive. His blue eyes are mesmerizing. Inviting.

If I were a few years older...

"I heard that."

"Chance, are you in my head?"

"Hush, he's about to start talking."

I do what he says but only because I can't afford to miss anything.

"Agent Nolan, I want you to become their ally. Make them think that they can depend on you above anyone else. They're at the age where they'll expectedly start to question everything they're being told to do. It's natural. But if you do this job correctly, you'll be the one who they'll come to for all of their questions and ideas. Got it?"

All Mr. Axel, or Agent Nolan, does is nod his head before the fine specimen in front of him dismisses him.

The blackness has returned, but then we're back in the scanty fields again.

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