Chapter XIX

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The conspiracy theories about our mom have got to stop.

Mr. Axel and Penelope have already hinted at the fact that they think our mom may still be alive.

Angel Lux, Simone, VI, whoever, is the least of my worries. These are the things that I'm saying in my head, but honestly I can't help but to listen to Michael. His face is so serious that it's a little strange looking at him. His jaw keeps clenching and then unclenching. Something is definitely bothering him. If it really does have something to do with my mom, then maybe he should be talking to my sisters. They would be more interested than me. I have never really cared to find things out about her. Dad was enough for me because he was the one that was always there. He was what I needed. And given that Michael and I have been spending so much time together these last few weeks, he should know that my stance on my mom hasn't changed. I thought it would by just being at Warner Valley, but it hasn't. Nevertheless, I'll try to hear him out.

"Where's your phone?" He asks me.

I pull it out of my back pocket to show him. He reaches out and grabs it. He then directs me to one of the chairs away from the door. I go to sit down and he comes to sit down beside me, scooting his chair closer to me. There's barely any room in between us. I watch Michael intensely as he flips the phone open and quickly starts typing. His fingers are moving so fast that for a split second, I think he may have super powers. The thought leaves my head the second it enters, and I can't help but to let out a small giggle. He looks over at me all serious like, causing me to mimic his facial expression: eyebrows furrowed, eyes squinted, and mouth in a firm line. Michael turns back to the phone like he's on a mission. I can see that he has a tight grasp on the phone because the tops of his fingers are becoming pale. This only sparks the curiosity within me. I'm still confused about this entire situation. This is when I finally notice that Michael isn't even wearing his helmet.

And that's why I would be a horrible detective.

It's strange that I didn't even notice that he hasn't been wearing his helmet today. Why would he do that? Does he not care about what I could do to him? I guess it doesn't matter though. I'm officially the worst unofficial superhero in the world. I can't help but to shake my head in disappointment. I haven't been able to read his mind, so he probably knows he's safe around me. That's sad as hell. I have all these powers but don't know how to use them. In all honesty, Michael may need to rethink who he wants to help him because when it comes time to fight, what will I do? Will I even be able to help?

But soon enough, my attention is brought back to Michael. He waves my phone in front of my face, urging me to take it. When I do, I see that he wrote a long text message to my number but didn't send it. The text reads,

-I can't talk bc there's cameras and microphones everywhere. In the building, in the cars, and even in the safe house. We can't even send texts to each other bc I'm pretty sure they're monitoring our phones too. But I found some files hidden in the hard drives of the facility's computer system. At first I thought it was info on Mr. Axel's mole from the SFA, but it was actually a bunch of plans. Plans to steal the extraction machine from the SFA to use to take away the lyxina from you and your sisters and to inject it into someone else. Idk who that someone is but the info that's been given to Mr. Axel has been compromised. Whoever is doing it even has a plan on how to get rid of Mr. Axel and Skylar.

My breath hitches in the back of my throat, and I have to remind myself to breathe in and out. This sounds ridiculous, but not ridiculous enough for me not to believe it.

I look at Michael, and all he does is nod. He points back at the phone, so that I make sure to erase the message and not send it. I start typing my reply because now I'm intrigued by the matter.

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