Chapter X

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Bree's phone has rung six more times since we started driving towards East Perry Street. So, we all made the decision to call Chance when we got to our location. As we get closer and closer, I can tell that my sisters are nervous. So am I. At first we were going to tell him that they took me to the hospital, and that we were going to be visiting our aunt for a few days. They thought that it was a bad idea for me to speak to Chance. I agree. I didn't know what I would say to him. Then we thought about how Trevor's mom would spill the beans and how Mila can't go an hour without contacting Trevor, so it would be pointless to try to keep this from either of them. They'll be at the Airbnb soon enough.

We're just now turning onto East Perry Street. It's nighttime and most of the houses are dark. East Perry Street is a middle class neighborhood. We used to stay a few streets away from here. This is one of the neighborhoods we used to ride through on our bikes almost everyday. I haven't been in this area in a while, but it's still familiar.

Mila gives Bree the street number to the house, and we start scanning all of the mailboxes. Mila points in the direction of a blue and white house. The grass is cut low, and there's a "Black Lives Matter" flag on the mailbox. Standing on the front porch is Trevor's mom. I've only seen her once or twice, but I remember her face.

Bree pulls into the driveway and shuts off the ignition. Mila is still on her phone.

"The regular price is $104 a night, but she's only charging us half. What's that?" Mila looks at Bree.

"Well that'll be $52 for five nights. So, $270 in all." Bree answers.

"I have a hundred." I say, going through my wallet.

We give the money the three of us collected to Mila because she's more acquainted with Trevor's mom than we are. She's the first one to hop out of the car. I follow behind her as we make our way towards the house.

"Hey, thank you for letting us stay here for a few days." Mila greets the woman with a hug.

"Of course, honey."

I offer her my appreciation by thanking her, and she smiles in return. Bree comes and does the same.

She ushers us into the house, introducing herself and telling us that we can call her Ms. Tami.

"Okay, so when you first step in there's the key pad for the security system. I change the code after each stay. I wrote the new code down on this card."

She hands the card to Bree, while she shows us how to set up the security system.

"There's two bedrooms and two bathrooms. Let me know if you need anything, okay?"

"Okay." We say in unison.

She gives us each a hug before departing, and it kind of makes me want to like Trevor a little more. Then I realize he's still annoying no matter how nice his mom is, so I let the thought slide.

I watch Bree as she looks out of the window. I see Tami's car lights but then they disappear, letting me know she's gone. Bree sees my quizzical look and sighs.

"I was waiting for her to leave before I went out and got the bags. I didn't want her to have any questions about why our clothes are in plastic bags."

I nod as a response.

Bree and I head outside while Mila goes over the house. We grab all of the bags and lock the car doors before going back inside. Once inside, we turn on the security system and alarm it. Bree and I plop down on the sofa in the living room just as Mila is coming into our view.

"One of the bedrooms is way larger than the other one and has two queen size beds in it. I don't care which one I get. I'm just ready to shower and get ready for the guys to come."

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