Chapter XXXIV

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The flash occurs instantly, and the knowledge that I am in a new location startles me for some reason.

I know that each of us have a lot on our shoulders. A lot of innocent people are depending on us. That frightens me more than anything. I'm not used to this. I've always been dependent on my sisters. No one has ever had to put all of their trust into me. I can't be sure of what'll happen but maybe the pressure will bring out the best in me.

I feel like we're at a disadvantage though. The SFA had an inside man. Therefore, they know all about us. They know our weaknesses. All I know about the SFA is that they have agents who carry numerous weapons. They have two psychos with powers who have killed relentlessly. They have 28 others who are being controlled and who I'm sure are being instructed to kill us. That's probably why my heart fluttered as soon as I knew we were in the processing chambers.

It smells like what I imagined it would smell like, chemicals. Unfortunately, there's not much lighting in here. Nonetheless, this is the last opportunity that we have to take down the SFA.

I open my eyes and to my surprise, everyone has already sprung into action. Skylar is jabbing one of the guards right in the face. She moves swiftly on her feet as she dodges every single one of his counter punches. I turn around once I hear slow footsteps. I bring my right leg up to give the assailant a gut wrenching kick. He falls back, and in the process he headbutts another guard behind him. More and more black figures are coming to my view. It's fewer than before. Maybe about 20. I let my instincts take over as I begin to battle each one.

About five of them are lined up heading in my direction. I ball my fist, anticipating their moves. When suddenly a strong set of arms wraps around me, bringing my feet off the ground. I try to elbow the agent in the stomach but his grip on me is too tight. I'm kicking ferociously but that's not helping. I can't blast anyone because my hands are crossed and firmly pressed against my own arms. I lean forward and then swing my head backwards. The back of my head connects with the guard's nose. I'm pretty sure the impact hurt me just as much as it hurt this huge man. His grip loosens, and I'm able to wiggle my hands away from my body. I bring my arm up and turn my palm so that it's facing towards the agent who is still holding me somehow. I blast him quickly. My feet hit the ground but before anyone else can move forward, I bring both my hands up to face the five agents standing opposite of me. I watch as the blue light makes contact with their bodies before they fall onto the floor.

I have now come to the conclusion that it's much easier to just blast them instead of trying to fight them. So that's what I do. My hands constantly vibrate as the energy launches out of me.

I don't have much time to look at Bree and Mila. I know Mila is in full force because whenever she shoots out power from her hands, it makes the  whole room heat up. And right now, I'm sweating bullets. There's flashes of light that I see in the corner of my eye, but I keep my attention on the remaining agents as they close in on me and Skylar.

Skylar is ready to fight them all, but we seriously don't have time for that. I extend my arm once again and make a circle as I blast the agents one by one. I'm down to the last one but I decide to let Skylar handle him because it seems like she's itching to punch somebody. Skylar runs to him and punches him in the eye. She clasps her hands behind his head and pushes it down as her knee dives into his face. She is brutal.

I turn around to face the door expecting more agents to rush in but nothing happens. My eyes don't leave the door as I slowly move over to where Bree and Mila are. I can't see them but I know that they're further in the back. I make sure that Skylar stays behind me as I'm looking in the direction of the entrance before it goes out of sight. I follow the bright lights. Surprisingly there's not much sound coming from this way. I hear machinery humming and the air conditioner.

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