Chapter XXXI

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As we're slumped over these giants' shoulders, I look at my surroundings. This will probably be the last time I'll get to look at anything. The agony that I know I'm about to go through makes me tremble.

They won't just kill us. Director Styles said that they planned on giving us the new vaccine at the end of the extraction. Then they would erase our memory. We've destroyed the extraction device. So either Director Styles lied or the plans have changed. Their only goal now is to get us to work for the SFA.

Knowing that we are seen as objects other than people, makes me sick to my stomach. This is inhumane. Our opinions are invalidated because we won't do what the SFA wants us to do. I can't make myself become a weapon for the government. I don't think I'll ever be free if that happens. I want to be able to make my own choices. I don't want to become a robot. So I would choose death over acting in accordance with the SFA. At least the nothingness will be peaceful. I continuously repeat this to myself.

The journey to our death seems to take forever. It's a quiet walk. I can only hear the breathing of everyone as we pass through hallways. I'm starting to get uncomfortable in my suit because it's pressing on the agent's shoulder. The friction is starting to become unbearable. I wish they would let us walk, but they don't trust us.

I'm in the back. Bree and Mila are in front of me so I can't see them. I can only imagine how they feel.

"Bree, you good?"

I just want to be certain that we're on the same page.

"Yes, ready for this to be over."

"Me too."

"Mila, are you okay?"

"I'm tired. And I just wanna talk to Trevor one last time."

Damn. I'm always forgetting about Trevor. He thinks we're in Hawaii. He doesn't know that he's not going to see Mila again. He also doesn't know that the main reason has something to do with his cousin, his best friend.

"Maybe Chance will be decent enough to let you call him."


I reach towards my shoe, telling the agent that I have an itch, but really all I'm trying to do is feel for my phone. I'm disappointed yet again once I realize that it's not there. How did I not notice this before?

I relay this dilemma to Bree and Mila. They didn't realize either but nonetheless, Bree and I make it our duty to make sure Mila talks to Trevor if it's the last thing we do.

The pace is slowing down after minutes of walking. I hear tapping and then the unlocking of an electronic door. My head is damn near resting on this agent's back, but I position myself up once we walk into this new room. I don't even know why I'm always surprised each time we walk into a new room. This is the SFA so I should expect to see things like this even though expectancy doesn't make it easier.

There are about 10 fenced cages lines on the walls and all are filled with teenagers and a few people our age. I look them dead in the eye as we stroll past. Their sadness outweighs my sadness by so much. I want to give them all a hug, but what good would that do? They want to go home even though the people at home are the reason they're here in the first place. They want to feel normal again. I empathize completely.

The agent's grip on me tightens as he feels my movements. I can't help myself because these new surroundings are distressful. I didn't think they would walk us into a room full of people being held like prisoners.

The lights above are flickering, and they are shining too bright for any room. It's too much.

Soon I feel my body being placed down as my feet touch the ground. The agents step back as I turn around to face Chance along with my sisters. I'm caught off guard by the clear box behind Chance. Standing inside the boxes are people I didn't expect to see. Skylar, Mr. Axel, and Penelope are there. Skylar is crouched down crying while Penelope is trying to console her. Mr. Axel is standing in one of the corners of the box facing away from us. I can't see his face but his stance looks as if he's deep in thought.

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