Chapter IV

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The night consists of Chance and I eating, eating, and eating. It feels like a date but then again, it doesn't. Chance never leaves my side. He's leading most of the conversations. Of course he's paying for everything. He's trying to be smooth, and it would work if I wasn't who I am. If I were any of these bubble headed girls who keep passing by with their eyes cut towards us and their lips in a thin line, then I would be eating everything he's doing right on up. I'm just enjoying his company without the expectations of anything in the future. That's how you keep your feelings at bay. Don't expect anything from anyone, that way, you won't get hurt.

"You wanna go sit for a little bit?" Chance asks me as I finish off my cotton candy.


We make our way to the benches and sit down. As soon as my butt touches the metal, the atmosphere shifts. I can tell that Chance is about to get serious by the way his expression changes. He's so concentrated on my face that it makes me want to turn away. It's like he's searching through my eyes for all the answers in the world. And believe me, I don't have them. I have a million questions about life as well. I'm just pushing on through. You find out the answers to some of these questions day by day.

So, what is he going to say to me?

Chance is straddling the bench right now. My curiosity levels are rising with every passing second, so I mimic his position. We're face-to-face holding each other's stare. I naturally start to get lost in all of the millions of different shades of brown in his eyes. The space between us is decreasing. I don't know how, but it is. It's like there's some other being pushing us closer and closer to each other. But then something in the back of my mind tells me to stop. He probably plays this little mind game on every girl. So I straighten my posture and clear my throat. While doing so, Chance straightens his posture as well, shaking his head like he just got out of some type of trance. Ironically, I feel the same.

"I wanted to talk to you about something." He states.

Finally someone broke the silence.


"I'm pretty sure you know I like you. Hell, everyone knows that I like you. So I just wanted to know why you never gave me the chance. No pun intended."

I let out a sigh before I answer him.

"Honestly, I don't have the time to get invested in something that's not certain. We're too young to wanna be tied down. You know what I mean?"

"Who said anything about being tied down right now? It's all about feeling and experiencing things. You can't take everything so seriously. Everything doesn't have a definite meaning right from the jump. You kinda just figure things out as you go."

His words ring through my head because I get what he's saying, but I don't know how to respond. So I say the first thing that comes to mind.


"Okay?" Chance laughs. "So do you wanna go on a date? We can go anywhere you wanna go?"

"Hawaii?" I question jokingly.

"I'll ask my parents."

I raise my eyebrows and slightly turn away while laughing at his answer.

"Let me think about all of this, and I'll give you an answer soon. I promise."

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