First Day in school

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Barry POV

I was nervous going to high school because it was a new school and I didnt know anyone, so it felt a bit weird.

Once I walked in I noticed a bunch of jocks near the lockers flirting with the cheerleaders

'That's suprsising' I think sarcastically.

I walk towards my locker and someone grabs my attention, it's a girl  she looked beautiful golden hair, ocean blue eyes a nice body.

'Damn' I thought

"That's kara danvers." A voice said

"Who?" I said confused

"That girls name is kara danvers."

"Oh ok, barry allen btw." I say offering a handshake

"Cisco ramon." Cisco said

"You new here?" He asked

"Yeah." I say putting my stuff in my locker.

"Well let me show you around bro!" Cisco asked excited

I agreed and if I'm being honest I think me and cisco are going to be good friends.

After the tour cisco said

"Listen bro,whatever you do dont pick a fight with him." He said pointing at some jock

"Why?" I asked

"Because that's Blake jenner, he is the best fighter in the school and also bullies alot of people." Cisco says with a slight tremble in his voice.

"Dont worry man I'm a expert in hand to hand combat, besides I've been through more than you can imagine." I say remembering the time my spine was cracked. And I also knew that this Blake Jenner wasnt going to be a problem for me even without my powers you dont mess with someone who was taught by ra's ah'l ghul.

I then heard the bell ring signalling class has started.

"Bro here if your ever free to chill out and talk about shit call me." I say handing him my phone number

"Alright bro see ya." He said as I ran to my first class not with my super speed rather my normal speed which was just fast.

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