burning school

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Barry POV

I was outside school talking to cisco when kara approached us.

"Hey barry!" She said

"Hey kara what's up?" I asked

"Nothing just wanted to see if you wanted to hang out, today at my place?" She asked with a hint of nervousness

"Yeah sure, can I bring cisco?"

"Yeah of course." Kara said happy

"If it isnt the little shitty new ki-" blake was cut off as the building just blew up and there was fore everywhere!

"There are still students in THEIR!" someone yelled I tried to ignore it but my superhero instincts kicked in but I didnt show my powers, I broke down the front entrance without using any powers and saw a students trapped under a log that was on fire I ran upto them and started lifting the heavy log

"G- go quick!" I say struggling to keep it up any longer.

Once all of them were free we made for the exit but fire had covered our exit so we had to find another way out!

I saw a window so we ran towards it, I punched the window and told them to jump out quickly because the fire mixed with oxygen would cause combustion (I dont actually know lol) exploding the building. Everyone jumped out and ran to a safe distance and the  BOOM!

Thankfully we were all out and everyone started cheering for my heroic act and I saw kara run upto me

"Are you okay?" She asked concerned

"Yeah I am." I say with a smile

"Bro that was amazing! Your like a superhero your Just like superman or better yet THE FLASH!"

"Y- yeah!" I say nervously

"Barry I'll text you the address and then you send it to cisco?" Kara said

"Yeah sure." I say

She walked away and cisco said

"Damn bro your lucky!" I just smiled and then went home.

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