Just us.

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Barry POV

"Finally its summer break!"

"I know babe, we had so much work!" Kara said

"But at least we can spend our summer at my family beach house and just relax." I say

"Yeah I can't wait for it! I just need to go home and pack some last few essential items." She said.

"Ok I'll pick you up in an hour."I say

"Ok babe see you seen!" She said before walking away

Kara POV

I was just making sure I had everything when I heard the doorbell ring. I ran downstairs and opened it revealing my handsome boyfriend.

"You ready?" He asks smiling

"Yep let's go." I say as we put out bags in the car

We were driving to the beach and it was really nice we held hands the whole way there and talked, I enjoyed it alot.

"Ok we are here!" Barry says

"Wow that is a nice house!" I say suprised

"Yeah my father was a doctor so we were pretty wealthy." He says

We went inside and packed everything away into the closet and cupboards.

"It feels like we are moving in together." I say to barry

"I know right, I think it would be nice to wake up and see you next to me." He says and I blush at his words.

"What do you want to do first?" He asks

"How about we go to the beach?" I say

"Ok." He says and we then change to our swim clothes, I wear a black bikini and barry just wears black swimming trunks without a t shirt, I guess it is normal for guys to do that..

We are in the water having fun we splash each other with a little water but not to much cuz it salt water. We head back to the the shore and sit on our towels and just enjoy the view..

"Barry these 2 weeks a year are going to be amaz- Fuck!" I say when I see iris with Blake

"Hey man- stealer." Iris says with venom

Barry just laughs.

"You know you call someone a man stealer if you actually had a chance with me!" He spits back.

I just lean on his shoulder when  Blake comes

"Damn babe you looking good!" He says and grabs my arm and lifts me trying to kiss me but that didnt go to plan cuz barry didnt like this.

He just grabbed Blake by the neck and lifted him which suprised me cuz Blake is a big guy so that wasnt really expected.

"If you try this again I will break of your limbs you liar!" He says with venom and anger

He let's him go and Blake runs away

"Babe let's go to the house and relAx there." He says so we go to the house

Hello hello what's up guys? So I'm gonna be honest this chapter is kinda trashing my opinion but I would ove to hear your opinions on this chapter

Shade or shayen

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